Chapter 1

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*Rewrite version*


Maybe starting fresh is for the best, but I just can't bear the fact that I'm leaving. My dad has decided that It's time for us to leave the great city of Los Angeles and move to the coast of California to a little town called Averoid. My dad dropped the news to me that we were moving a week ago. The reason we're moving is because my mom just passed away two months ago and living in this house without her is unbearable. My dad has been a full-dressed zombie after the accident and I dont blame him. He's been locking himself in his room to cry, so that I can't hear him, but in this house the walls are paper thin and I hear everything. I try my best to do the same for him, and so I cry in the shower, but like I said before in this house you can hear everything.

"Hey sweetie, we need to leave in two hours. You might want to go ahead and say goodbye to all your friends from school, their outside the house" my dad said while giving me a smile I knew to be fake. I loved my dad's smile before my mom passed away, it was vast and golden. Now it was dull, dubious, and quickly erased like it's poisonous for him to smile.

"Thanks dad, I'll be inside as soon as I finish" I said giving him a comforting hug. I ran towards the door and opened it unveiling a group of teens that I called my friends.

"Hey guys we have exactly two hours until I have to leave" I said, trying to hold back some tears.

"Hazel can you just convince your dad if you can stay" said Ashley. Ashley was my best friend and I would definitely miss her. We had a lot of good memories that I will cherish. She was the type of person you could tell everything to because she was a tomb. I met her in my first day if high school during freshman year and we were inseparable. We did everything together from accompanying each other to the bathroom to giving school speeches which we did a lot considering the fact that we were both ASB presidents, something else we shared.

"Sorry Ashley it's decided, we're moving and I can't do anything to change it, " I said while embracing her in a hug.

"Instead of trying to convince her to stay let's enjoy the last moments with her" said Cason. Cason was my guy best friend. We have known each other for seven years and I loved him like my own flesh and blood. He's currently or better said was my neighbor and at first we hated each other. I mean the first time I saw him was while he was attempting to steal my Cinderella bicycle which I adored. I was nine and when you try and steal a nine year old's bicycle all hell breaks loose. You can imagine how things went down, we had about a zillion fights until we became best of friends.

"Good idea Cason" I said while releasing Ashley from our comforting hug. The next two hours were spent remembering the happiest and saddest moments we had spent together. We laughed, cried, argued, and smiled during the course and it showed me that the everlasting friendship we had was not ending it was just pausing for a few years, at least that's what I hoped for.

"Hazel, it's time sweetie" my dad said while quickly glancing a smile to my friends and getting in the car.

"Okay dad, I'll be in the car soon" I answered. I looked at all my friends as the memories we talked about flashed back in my mind within seconds."I'm going to miss you guys a lot. You guys are the best and I love you guys, " I said with tears in my eyes and hugged every single one of my friends.

"Bye guys" I smile sadly while finally getting in the car. As my dad drove out the driveway of what use to be our house, my mom came into my mind. My mom and I had suffered an accident which caused her death. It was an early morning on a school day. I had woken up late that morning and was rushing to get ready. She on the other hand, was already dressed and ready to go. Finally after eating a delicious homemade breakfast we got in the car and drove to our destination, of course I had forgotten to put on my seatbelt. I was talking to my mom about what we would do that upcoming weekend when she abruptly leaned towards my door and opened it. I was about to say something when I felt her push me out of the car. I quickly got up and as I turned around I saw my mom crash into a pole. I felt my stomach fall and I stood in shock. Finally I reacted and ran towards the car, I saw my mom's body completely crushed. Suddenly she spoke to me

"Hazel I love you and I always will, I am so proud of you sweetie. "

"I love you too mom, but don't leave me, I'm not ready to live without you" I said as her eyes closed and her breathing stopped. "Mom! Please don't leave me!" I screamed until my lungs told me they could not take it anymore. Finally I called 911, but I knew it was too late for them to save her. When they arrived they pronounced my mom dead. I later discovered that our car's brakes were not working and that was the reason my mom could not stop in time to avoid the hit. My dad believes that what happened with my mom was a total accident, but I know that if my mom had time to push me out the car then she had time to jump out and save herself. That is why my I blame myself for the death of my mom and the only reason my dad doesn't blame me is because he doesn't know my mom pushed me out the car. I told my dad the day of the accident that I was in the back of the car because that part had not been damaged.

When I remember my mom a specific conversation that we had comes to my mind.

"You need to calm down Hazel" she exclaimed "You cant blow up at everything I say"

"I don't" I argued "it's just that sometimes you don't understand me"

"One day when I'm not here" she explained "you're going to realize that my misunderstandings are not me wanting to bug, but me wanting to take care of you, to protect you"

God was she right. I realize now that she's gone, that all she did was care for me and I was the one who didin't uderstand her. Sometimes we, teenagers, think that our parents don't understand us, but now I realize that we don't understand them.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" my dad asked while giving me a concerned look. I suddenly zoomed back into reality, realizing that I had been crying this entire time.

"Nothing dad just going to miss the old house, " I said while wiping my tears away.

"I know sweetie me too" my dad said while giving me a small nod. After a five hour car ride we arrived to our new town Averoid. As we drove by I noticed how peaceful and quiet the town was which was exactly what I needed. We passed a few stores that were petite, but looked warm and welcoming. The town had a small fountain that read some last forever and some last an infinity. I was confused by this because an infinity lasts forever, but I shrugged it off as I continued to see the houses which were all made of red bright bricks. We drove for about five minutes before finally arriving in my new home, I notice how beautiful my house was from the outside. It was a two stories high house of a brown color with white borderlines. It was covered with red, bright bricks one fifth of the way up and the garage was big enough for two cars to fit vertically.

"Dad can I see the inside of the house?" I said while giving him a smile. He nodded at me telling me that I could walk inside. Taking a deep breath I walked towards the front door and opened it. I was amazed to see that my house was not only beautiful from the outside but from the inside. The house walls were a bright yellow and the carpet was a creamy brown. The stair that leads the way to the top floor were made of wood and had a double helix shape with a carving of a small elephant dancing. I walked up the stairs and opened the door to the room that soon would be mine. The walls were a light sky blue and the carpet was a wooden brown. I had my own restroom, which was great, but the best part was a balcony with an outlook to the ocean which was my new backyard.

I smiled as I heard my dad behind me " Hazel do you like the house?"

"Yeah dad it's beautiful" I said truthfully.

"I'm glad you like it, I'm going to start unpacking everything" he answered and walked out my room, I liked our new home and the town my dad had chosen. Opening the balcony doors I stepped outside to look at the amazing view I had of my own private backyard beach. Smiling at the amazing view I had of how the horizon would soon consume the sun I began to think my mom would have loved this place. Coming back inside my room I began to unpack all my belongings and put them into place. After an hour of unpacking everything was where I wanted it to be. I quickly got into the shower, which I really need needed based on the fact that I had sat in a car for five hours. Finally after a ten minute shower I put pajamas on and laid down to sleep.





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