Chapter 18

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      I wake up to my alarm and turn it off. I get up and and pick one of the outfits I put in my dad's closet. My outfit was some sweats and a huge beetles shirt that use to belong to my dad. I put my hair in a bun and don't bother to do my makeup because my under circles are to big to hide anyways. I make my way to the kitchen and eat a yogurt. I take a couple painkillers and make my way to the living room and sit down. I then hear my phone ring and answer it knowing it's Trey.  "Hey Trey" I say.

     "Hey Hazel I'm right outside your house"

     "okay I'm going" I hang up the phone and grab by bag and crutches. I walk out the door and to Trey's car. I get inside the car and feel relief because my crutches make my arms ache.

     "Hey Haze" Trey says while starring to drive "how's your foot?"

     "swollen" I answer bitterly but then feel guilty because he didn't do anything and say "I'm sorry I'm for being rude. I'm just in a bad mood"

     "It's fine I understand" He doesn't say anything else. I guess he's tired of me being rude to him. I know I would be but I can't help being in a horrid mood. My foot hurts like hell and it's two times it's normal size. After a ten minutes of silence we arrive at school and Trey gets out of the car quickly to help me. He grabs my crutches and then my hand and pulls me up.

    He gives me a terrified look when he spots my foot . " Haze your foot is hug" he exclaims "get in the car I'm taking you to the doctors"

   "No" I say sternly "I'm fine"

    "Haze you sur-"

     "Yes I'm sure" I answer rudely. We both walk to first period and Trey helps me get up the stairs.

     I take my seat in class and begin to feel my head hurt. I remove my bun and see my tangled waves fall but at this moment i could care less how I look. I feel like shit and I don't care if I look like shit.

    I put my head down on my desk and runs my fingers through my hair. I then suddenly feel a tap on my shoulder and think it's Trey. I look up and see my math studies teacher giving me a angry look.

    "What's the answer to the question I just asked Ms. Michael's?" my teachers says loudly to put me on the spotlight.

     "Does it look like I know" I snap back at him. Trey gives me a worried look but I dismiss it.

     "No because your too busy sleeping" he says " and since you think this class is so boring you should write me an essay on how to make it a little more interesting for you"    

     I fake a bitter smile and say sarcastically" I'd be oh-so happy to"

    He sends me the same bitter smile and continues teaching his lesson. I roll my eyes at him and take out my notebook to begin his stupid essay.


     "Hey Hazel" Cameron says while waving at me. I smile at him and return to eating my lunch.

     "You look amazeballs" Page says sarcastically. 

    "Thanks" I say bitterly.

     "I say she looks more like a hobo" Gaby says and i give her a serious look "a cute hobo?"

     "That's the exact look  I was looking for" I answer. I continue eating my lunch when I feel someone put their hand on my  shoulder. I turn around and see Trey smiling at me.

    "What" I say in a  serious tone of voice.

     "Let me see your foot" he says while giving me a worried look. I put my foot on top of the empty seat next to me and noticed it's now three times bigger than it was this morning.

    Trey suddenly grabs my backpack and says "we are going to the emergency and this time I'm not asking you"

    "I don't need to go to the hospital"

     "Hazel let's go"

    "NO" I say while folding my hands in front of me.  Trey grabs my crutches and gives then to Page to hold and then I feel him pick me up. "Put me down" I say emphasizing each words but Trey ignores me.

       I finally give up and let him carry me to his car and Page following behind with my crutches and bag. She mouths how adorable to me but I just roll my eyes. He finally puts me down in front of my side of the car and opens the door for me to get in. I give both Trey and Page a dirty look before getting in the car. Trey thanks Page and places my things in the back seat of the car. He gets in the car and begins to drive.

   "Trey can I ask you something ?" I say breaking the silence.

    "Yes. What is it?"

     "Don't call my dad unless it's really an emergency" I say "this is his first real business trip and I don't want to ruin it unless it's extremely necessary"

    "I don't know Hazel" he answers.

     "Please that's the only thing I ask for" I say with a pleading expression.

     "Fine but if the doctor says it's something delicate I'm going to call your dad right away" he says while giving me a serious look. I nod in response and then look out the window.

   Please don't let it be something urgent. I don't want to ruin my dad's trip and I don't want my ankle to be broken  I began to think as we entered the hospital's parking lot. Trey finds an empty space and parks quickly. He then gets off the car and goes to the front door of the hospital to ask for a wheelchair which I said was not necessary but he insisted. After five minutes he comes back in a hurry and opens my door. I smile at him and move from my car seat to the wheelchair. We enter the hospital and a nice nurse leads us to the waiting room.

      After waiting for an hour and a half they call my name. Trey gets up and pushes me inside the room where I will be waiting for my doctor.

   As soon as the nurse leaves I say to Trey "I'm scared"

    "I'll be here with you the entire time" he says grabbing my hand. I interlock my fingers with his and it makes me feel safe.


A/N: Hi guys I just want to say big thanks for 10.7K reads that is just fantastic to me I am so happy that my book is getting this many reads and I just hope you guys are really enjoying this story.

    Okay moving on to something else. I got a couple request on leaving this cover on and only a few on changing it so I'm thinking you guys lime this cover BUT if you don't you can always DM on what cover you would like. Thanks for everyone who gave me their opinion I appreciate it lots.

   Now the chapter!  so what do you guys think about Hazel and Trey in the emergency room all alone together. Did you guys think Hazel should call her dad?  or should she not interrupt his business trip? 

I love hearing your opinions so leave a comment below or just simply DM me.




xoxo. Creating My World

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