Chapter 21

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      It's been two weeks since I began walking on my ankle and let me say it feels great to walk again. After this I really never want to see any type of crutches or wheelchair in my life.

     I walk down the stairs by myself to go eat breakfast with my dad. "Hey dad" I say while walking into the kitchen.

"Hi sweetie. How did you sleep?"

  "I slept amazing" I say while grabbing my cup of yogurt and fruit.

 "That's great sweetie"

   I smile at my dad and say "so how's work going?"

   "Well I've sold fifteen houses since we moved here and I hope to sell two more this week" my dad says excitedly and I think it's the happiest I've heard him in a long time. 

    "I'm glad" i say genuinely and then hear my phone begin to ring and i know its Trey "I love you dad ill see you after school"

     "I love you too sweetie" i hear him say while i walk out the door. I smile at Trey and walk towards the car. Trey has been giving me rides everyday and we agreed that although i could walk now that he would continue taking me to school. 

     "Hi Hazel" Trey says while i get in the car and sit down. 

     "Hi Trey" i say and close the car door. He begins to drive and i put the window down to let the fresh air hit my face. I then begin to remember the night before my dad came back from his business trip. I practically fell asleep in Trey's arms. He made me feel safe and i enjoy the warmth his arms give me. Ever since that night we haven't held hands and i feel like the only reason he would grab my hand was just because he was worried. Maybe i was dumb to think that Trey wanted something more than a friendship with me. 

    "Whats wrong?" Trey ask breaking my trend of thoughts "you got really quiet"

     "Nothing" i lie "just tired"

    He nods and takes a deep breath before saying "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the beach later"

    "Sure" i say and then spot Page and Gaby in the parking lot. I smile at them and they give me ohhh looks but i don't mind. Their always bugging me and Trey because they say we spend too much time together but after a while we both just started ignoring them when it came to that topic. Trey parks the car and i smile at him before opening the door and getting off the car. 

   "Hi Page. HI Gaby" i say while i watch them make their way towards us. 

   "Hey Hazel. Hey Trey" Gaby says while giving both of us a hug. 

     "Hazel we were going to ask you if you wanted to go to the mall later" Page ask with a huge smile. 

    "I cant" i say "Trey invited me to go to the beach with him"

   "Sorry" Treys says sarcastically before grabbing my hand and pulling me away. He then whispers in my ear "if you want to go to the mall its fine"

     I smile and whisper back in his ear "no i'd much rather go to the beach with you" He smiles at me and the release my hand and it feels cold and empty like it misses his strong grip. We turn and see Page and Gaby giving us were right here and we start laughing.

     "Just kiss already" Page says before walking away laughing.I  roll my eyes at her and begin making my way to first period with Trey walking next to me. 

     "This is my favorite class of the day" Treys says while we walk up the steps. 

       "Really?" I say "the teacher hate me"

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