Chapter 31

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No edit. Sorry if there's a lot of mistakes.


I don't know how long after me and Trey finished playing the question game that I fell asleep. I completely knocked out because when I woke up we were exiting the freeway. 

"Hi sleepy head" Trey smiles "you were asleep for a good hour"

"What town is this?" i ask while looking at my surroundings. The place looked small like Averoid except it wasn't as nice or comforting. The place looked sad and lonely like it had been a great place before but then suddenly everyone left. I can't imagine that happening to Averoid because i truly love that place and i would be upset if it ended up like this. 

"Hurrion" he said seriously "it's a bit depressing on this side of the town but it gets better"

"What happened to the place?" i ask "why is it so lonely?"

"Well if you would have came three years ago you would have fell in love with the place because it was truly amazing. I came with Aulani one time and the place was just like Averoid small yet comforting and i loved it. I even thought about maybe moving here someday but then a fire happened and most of this side of town burned down. It was sad because me and Aulani loved this place and when they called us to let us know we came rushing over here but we weren't of much help considering we live far and they had already stopped the fire" he says while trying to look unaffected but you could see the pain in his eyes "their a small poor place and after the fire they were never able to rebuild it like it was before. I mean they rebuild the buildings that were damaged but it wasn't the same again. The people stopped coming to this side of town and the place began getting emptier and emptier until it was completely isolated"

I cant imagine how important this place must be to Trey for him to look so upset. I mean he tried to hide it but i know him too well. "Was this place really important to you?" i ask while looking around and notice that the stores are completely empty like if coming to this side of town was a constant reminder of the fire or maybe just a bad nightmare. 

"Extremely" he says quietly "this is where my mom and my dad met and i was born here" I always assumed Trey had been born in Averoid because he had never told me otherwise and i'm guessing it was because i had never asked. 

"Oh" i say while thinking if i should ask him why he moved to Averoid but i decide to just change the subject "why do people avoid this side of town so badly?"

"Because people died during the fire and it's painful for them to see this place" I would never visit the street where my mom crashed and i guess people don't visit the place were their friends or family members were consumed by flames. 

"I understand exactly what they feel" i answer honestly "because i would never pass the street where my mom crashed"  Trey stays quiet for the rest of the way and i don't blame him this place is where he's from and looking at it like this must hurt. We finally pass a small street separating the two sides of town and it looks like your going from a nightmare to dreamland. This side of town is happy and people are walking and laughing all over the place. The mall parking lot is completely full and the small stores on both side of us are decorated with all sorts of colors. They also have a fountain like Averoid except this one reads "for all those who left us" and it's surrounded by millions of flowers starting from tulips, daisies, sunflowers, and roses with all sorts of extravagant colors. 

I see the sour face expression Trey had before turn into his usual goofy smile and i'm happy we left that behind. 

"It's amazing" i say while looking around. 

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