Chapter 13

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       "Hey Page. Hey Gaby." I say as I sit down at the lunch table. Cameron's not around. Ever since we had the argument about the dinner a week ago he avoids me at all cost.

      "Hey Haze" Page says while smiling at me.

      "Do you know if Cameron's still upset?"

       "The last time I talked to him which was two days ago he was" Gaby says while giving me a comforting smile.

        "He's in the library if you want to talk to him" Page says while pointing at the direction of the library.

        I grab my bag and answer "Thanks." As I walk to the library I can't think of what to say to him. The last time we talked he was hurt and angry at me. I just hope he accepts my apology. I walk into the library and immediately spot Cameron. He's sitting alone in a table with his nose inside an action novel.

       I make my way towards him and sit down. "Hey" I say quietly but he doesn't answer. "I know your upset and you have all the right to be but I just want to say I'm sorry. I should have told you the truth and I didn't. I thought that if I didn't tell you why I was saying no you wouldn't get hurt but I was wrong and I'm sorry"

       He looks up at me and smiles and says "apology accepted my great friend"

       I smile back at him and give him as hug. I'm glad we're friends again.


       "Thanks for the ride home Trey" I say while reaching for the handle to open the door but Trey grabs my hand.

        "Wait before you leave I want to ask you what do you want for your birthday. It's only a couple days from now" he says while smiling at me. Again that honest attractive smile of his.


      He looks at me and releases my hand before saying "I guess I'll have to surprise you"

     "I guess so" I say and get off the car. I walk into my house and then into the kitchen. "Hey dad. How was work today?" I say.

     "Great" he smiles at me "but I don't want to talk about work I want to talk about your upcoming birthday"

       I fake a small smile at him and say  as casually as possible "I don't want talk about that"

      "Why sweetie? are you not excited?"

     "I am but" I pause "it reminds me of mom and the fact that she won't be here to celebrate my birthday for the first time" I'm fighting back tears by now.

      My dad takes a deep breath and grabs my hand " look sweetie I miss mom too and when my birthday comes around I'm going to try my best to be happy. You want to know why?"


       "because that's what mom would have wanted me to do and I know that it's exactly what she wants you to do" he says while embracing me in a small hug. I nod at my dad but he drops the subject after that.

     "I apologized to Cameron today" I say breaking the silence.

     "And what he'd say?"

     "He accepted my apology and good thing because I don't like being avoided" I answered in silly tone of voice to lighten the mood a bit.

     "I'm glad to hear that sweetie" he answers ending the conversation. We both go sit in the sofa and watch episodes of ANTM together. After five episodes I look at my cell phone and realise it's eleven o'clock.

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