Chapter 32

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This is a warning! There is a strong scene in this chapter. EXTREMEMLY STRONG so if you don't like it you can skip it. Sorry :}

I wake up with a dazed smile on my face because Trey's arms wrap around me and I feel my butterflies attack the inside of my stomach. I turn lightly towards Trey and find him smiling at me.

"Hi sleepy head" he smiles "how did you sleep?"

"Great, " I say as the memories of last night come flashing back. After we finished eating, we came straight back to the room and laid down to go to sleep until Trey decided to sleep next to me which made me nervous. Although we had no intimacy we still made out and fell asleep together.

"I slept amazing as well, " he says while pulling me closer to him "although you tend to snore"

"I've been told" I laugh "I have question for you"

"What is it"

"Why did you reserve only one room with only one bed?" I ask playfully "did you think that driving me to my moms grave would get you laid?"

"I was hoping" he chuckled.

"Tough luck buddy" I smiled while getting up from the bed.

"We still have all day, " he said while pulling me from my waist towards him and began kissing my neck causing me to close eyes and enjoy the feeling of his lips. He turned me around and began kissing my lips passionately and pulling me closer eliminating all possible space.

"You tell me when to stop?"he says while running his hands up and down my back making my hormones go crazy "and I'll stop"

"Okay, " I managed to say, but I didn't tell him to stop because the truth was I didn't want him to stop. I was ready to take this big step with Trey and I was glad that I saved my virginity for someone special like him.

"I love you, " he whispered in my ear while lifting me up and placing me down on the bed. He quickly removed his shirt showing his amazingly marked stomach and it made want him more than ever. He carefully placed himself on top of me and I began tracing his perfect abbs with my finger while allowing him to remove my pants. He runs his hands up my legs, kissing them at moments and I closed my eyes reminding myself I was ready for this. I open my eyes when I feel Trey lips on mine and I kiss him back savoring every second of it. He pulls apart only to remove his pants and I take my shirt off throwing it to the ground. Treys lays on the bed, pulling me so that I end up on top of him. Removing my bra he throws the bed covers over us and I kick off my panties.

"I love you, " I tell him while kissing him.


"You take forever to shower" I yell to Trey while banging on the door.

"You sing while you shower and I don't complain" he yells back while turning the water off.

"At least I can sing in tune, unlike others"

"Okay, " he says while opening the door causing me to stumble. "I can sing, " he smiles "I got sunshine on a cloudy day"

"Shut up and let me use the restroom" I say faking annoyance, but truth is he can sing pretty amazing.

"Fine just remember not to take too long"

"Says the one who took a thirty minute shower" I laugh.

"Okay, whatever, " I grab a brush and hair tie before throwing my hair in a messy bun. Then I apply my makeup, which only consists of mascara and chopstick. I walk out the restroom and find Trey dressed and ready for the day.

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