Chapter 19

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     "Hello Ms. Michael's I'm Dr. Varges and i will be in charge of all medical procedures with your ankle" the doctors says while writing down something on a clipboard.

    "Okay" I say a bit nervous.

   "I see you have medical insurance"

    "Yeah but only for emergencies" I say "is this an emergency?"

    "We won't know until after  we take x rays but we think  your ankle might be broken" he says never looking up from his clipboard to see me.

   "so I'll only need a cast?"

   "Normally but we think that the extreme swelling could be caused by some tore ligaments" he says this time looking at "and that needs surgery"

    I feel my mouth fall open and breathing begins to feel heave like I'm forcing my lungs to work. "surgery". I mumble weakly and put both my hands on my head and begin running them through my hair. 

   "We won't know if surgery is what you need until after the x Rays" he says and with that he leaves the room. I feel myself getting dizzy with the idea of having surgery on my ankle but i take a deep breath and try to calm down.

   Trey grabs my hand and sits in the bed next to me "I'm here for you Hazel"

   I put my head on his shoulder and say quietly "I know and I'm thankful to have you here with me"

   "Should we tell you dad?"

   "Not until we know if it's surgery or not" I say " i don't want him getting worried for no reason"

    "Okay" he says and hugs me. His arms make  me  feel like I'm safe. I feel like no one and nothing else matters when I'm with him. I grab his hand and close my eyes.

   I finally decide to break the silence and say "you know when I was little my mom use to love playing doctor with me. She would be the patient and I would cure her" I smile as the memory flashes through my mind.

   "Really? me and my mom use to play that all the time" he says with a small laugh as if he's remembering.

    "Do you miss your mom and dad?" I ask quietly because I know this is a hard topic for him.

    "I use to but my uncle became my only parent" he says bitterly "I mean don't get wrong I love my mom and dad but I stopped needing them a long time ago"

    "Don't say that Trey everyone needs their parents"

    "I only need my uncle"

    I shake my head and feel almost jealous that both his parents are alive. "Trey your lucky you have both your parents. I only have one left" I say harshly but it's the truth.

    " Hazel the difference between your mom and my parents is that your mom was there for you sixteen years and then couldn't be with you any further. My parents were their for me six years of my life and then left. They didn't have to they wanted to and I think that's what hurts the most" he says in a angry tone of voice.

    I never thought of it that way. My mom had to leave she didn't choose to and Trey's parents did.

   I was about to answer when I nice nurse came in with a wheelchair and spoke "hi sweetie. I have to take you to go get your x rays done"

   "Okay" I say releasing Trey's hand and begin making my way to the edge of the bed. Trey helps me get up and then sit down on the wheelchair.

    "I'll be waiting for you right here" Trey says while leaning down and giving my hand a quick squeeze. I smile at him and squeeze his hand before letting it go and begin making my way to the door. 

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