Chapter 2: Arrival

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Tyler rolled over in bed and yawned. It was Saturday.

He bolted upright. Saturday. The day the juvie foster kid was moving in with them. Tyler couldn't believe how fast the week went. Clamoring out of bed he quickly shoved on a pair of basketball shorts, a tanktop, and a pair of flip flops. He ran downstairs quickly to see his mother making coffee and his dad eating a poptart.

"My look who's up early. Are you excited about meeting the foster kid today?" His mother said sitting a cup of coffee down in front of his dad.

"I guess. I don't know." Tyler said nonchalantly as he went over to the TV and turned it on before laying out on the couch. He was more nervous than excited.

"Well I'll be at work but your mom will be home with you guys to greet him when he comes. See you later." Chris said kissing Kelly  on the cheek and ruffling Tyler's short brown hair, making it stick up in funny directions.

"Wait, you said him? So a guy?" Tyler said to his mom after his dad had walked out.

"Yes his name is Joshua Dun. We got a call that he's arriving in about an hour. They didn't even know who we were getting until then." His mom said sitting on the couch beside him and sipping her coffee. An hour passed quicker than expected and Madison had woken up, joining them on the couch.

Everyone's eyes turned towards the window as they heard a car door slam.

"That must be them. Now please behave we're supposed to be setting a good example." Kelly said getting up and going towards the door.

Tyler and Madison glanced at each other before jumping up and darting towards the window.

"Move I want to see." Madison whined as her and Tyler pushed each other back and forth trying to get a good view.

"Here move over." Tyler grumbled and peeked out the blinds, Madison's head pressing right against his hand.

The sun was bright and blocked out most of his view but he distinctly saw flashes of blue hair. Blue hair?

"Hi welcome!" Tyler heard his mother say at an open door.  Curiosity got the better of him as he walked over and gently pushed passed his mother to see probably the strangest but most beautiful person he had ever seen.

"Dude how stereotypical can you get." Madison whispered to Tyler as their mom  went down the stairs and began helping Joshua and the Pastor with the luggage.

For a delinquent, Joshua sure had the look down. He had on black skinny jeans with frayed rips in the knees, a black tshirt layered by a black and blue flannel and converse on his feet. His lips had snake bite piercings, and his ears were gauged. The thing Tyler thought the weirdest was the choker he wore that said "bad kitty" in shiny silver letters.

Tyler nodded slowly at Madison, not commenting on how Josh's hair swayed softly in the wind. He wanted to touch it. Tyler chastised himself at the sudden thought.

"Kids come help, and say hello to Joshua!" Kelly said walking by them with the pastor, carrying in some suitcases.

Madison took one of the cases from their mom. "Good luck." She said and went inside.

Tyler glared at her and then swiveled around to see Joshua staring at him intensely. It made him get butterflies in his stomach, but he walked over to Joshua anyways before his mom could tell him again.

"I'm Tyler." Tyler said holding out his hand. Joshua just stared at it before Tyler let his hand fall back to his side. "Your name is Joshua right?"

"It's Josh." Josh said before walking right past Tyler and into the house.

Tyler could tell this was going to be difficult.

"The guest bedroom is yours, it's right across from Tyler's. Madison's is a little further down the hallway and mine and Chris's room is downstairs if you need us for some reason. Oh and the bathroom is at the end of the hall." Kelly said as Josh sat down on the bed slowly. He just nodded. "Alright, well I'll leave you to get settled."

Kelly walked down the stairs passing Tyler and gently grabbed his arm. "Be nice to him, he's been through a lot. Madison ran over to her friend's house when I wasn't looking and I have to go grocery shopping. Keep an eye on him, yeah?"

Tyler sighed a bit "Yeah mom I'll try."

Kelly smiled at him and kissed his forehead before grabbing her purse and keys. "I'll be back in an hour."

The door shut softly.

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