Chapter 14: Halloween

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a/n: forgive me father for this chapter is full of fucking sin. Also wait to play song


Summer ended and eventually Autumn rolled around, the leaves changing into beautiful colors as they slowly died.

"You know come to think of it Autumn is actually kind of depressing." Tyler said looking up at the trees that swayed in the wind slowly. "It's really pretty, but the leaves are dying."

"God that is depressing." Josh said and chuckled as he turned the corner in the car. He usually drove the car now even though it was Tyler's. The yellow haired boy liked taking care of Tyler in any way possible, even if it was just driving him around.

"Halloween is tomorrow night. Any thoughts of what you're dressing up as?" Tyler asked as he held onto one of Josh's hands as they drove home from school.

"I'm not sure yet but Debby is throwing a Halloween party and I thought we could match or something." Josh said pulling into the driveway. Tyler jumped and down excitedly.

"That sounds so much fun but who would we go as?" Tyler asked as they got out of the car. "Also no drinking this time." He said making face.

"No drinking this time, I promise." Josh smiled and looked at the excited brunette beside him. "And I had an idea but I'm not sure if you'll like it or not."

"Well go on tell me." Tyler said leaning against the car and staring at Josh on the other side.

"I was thinking we could be Dean and Castiel from Supernatural. You'd make such a precious Cas." Josh smiled and leaned against the car looking at Tyler.

Tyler blushed and smiled. "That sounds like a great idea. I'd love to do that." He smiled and went inside the house with Josh.

Halloween night came and Josh was pulling on his flannel shirt for the costume, adjusting the cheap wig on his head. He struck a pose in the mirror and heard a small giggle behind him and he whipped around and smiled at the sight.

Tyler looked absolutely angelic, the trench coat almost swallowing him. The tie hung loosely on the tan boy's neck and Josh walked towards him, adjusting the tie carefully.

"You look so good." Josh smiled and leaned down giving Tyler a small peck on the lips. Tyler blushed and pulled the big trench coat up again as it began slipping off.

"You don't look so bad yourself." Tyler smiled looking up at the boy with the wig on which made him giggle. "That wig looks kinda funny though."

"Yeah I might take it off if it gets to itchy." Josh said patting it down again then grabbing Tyler's hand. "C'mon let's get going."

Kelly smiled and told them to be safe as they ran out the door yelling "We will!"

They smiled as the walked down the street hand in hand, many trick or treaters running past them with buckets full of candy. Many different houses were decked out in Halloween attire. They finally arrived to Debby's house and it looked similar to last times scene, only this time people were dressed up and the house had cobwebs over the bushes with orange lights flickering all over it.

"Hey guys! I'm so glad you decided to make it!" Debby smiled as she saw them coming up the driveway. She was dressed as a sexy maid, her skirt incredibly short and her lipstick extremely red. "Oh my god you guys are costume goals." She said looking at their couple costume idea.

"Thanks it was Josh's idea." Tyler said still holding onto Josh's hand tightly. "You look nice too." He said feeling the need to compliment her as well. She didn't look bad, though.

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