Chapter 4: Hangover

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(a/n: Just start the video when Tyler gets up on stage, if you feel like listening.)

Tyler woke up to a knocking on the door.

"Tyler! It's time to get ready for church!" His mother said before going to Josh's door and knocking repeating the same thing before going back downstairs.

Tyler was warm, his head pounding from the  unbelievably bright light. His stomach lurched and he opened the door quickly and ran to the bathroom, puking his guts out again. He coughed and groaned holding his stomach. Tyler looked up and saw Josh staring down at him.

"You look like shit." Josh said crossing his arms and leaning against the door frame.

Tyler glared at him. "Yeah well so do you." He said bitterly getting up and grabbing his toothbrush and began brushing his teeth.

"Tyler about last night..." Josh said trailing off.

"Just forget about it. I don't even remember most of it." Tyler grimaced rinsing his mouth out before spitting in the sink, like he was trying to get rid of a bad taste in his mouth.

"I'm talking about-"

"We have to get ready for church." Tyler said passing Josh and going into his room to get ready.

Josh rolled his eyes and stopped at the door. "Whatever dude." He said loudly before going to his room and closing his door.

Tyler adjusted his tie before looking up at the church looming over him. He had been going to this church with his family ever since he could remember. Even though it was boring sometimes, he felt safe here.Josh stepped up next to him and Tyler sighed and glanced at him. His stomach did a small flip at the sight of Josh in a suit but he blamed it on the hangover.

"Place is pretty big." Josh said shielding his eyes from the sun with his hand. Tyler just nodded and walked towards the glass doors, opening it for his family and Josh.

Tyler inhaled the scented air as he walked in. His mom and dad had gone to talk to other parents, and his sister went to her friends, leaving him alone there with Josh. Tyler swallowed scratching at his neck.

"Hey Tyler." A familiar voice said.

"Hey Jenna, you're back from Africa already?" Tyler asked, relaxing a little. Jenna and her family had gone on a mission trip to Africa with some other members. Her skin was sun kissed and it made her blonde hair and blue eyes stand out more.

Tyler's parents kept trying to set up him and Jenna. They had went on a few dates, but Tyler never went further. He just didn't feel the way he thought someone pursuing someone should feel. Then she went to Africa. He had promised to call, but with recent developments he had just forgotten.

"I'm sorry I didn't call." Tyler said giving Jenna a small hug.

She smiled. "It's alright. I got the update from your parents. You must have been busy getting ready to foster someone. That's so admirable of you guys, you know, given the circumstances."

"Oh it's very admirable." Josh said smirking and putting a hand on Tyler's shoulder. "I really appreciate it." He said and staring down at Jenna.

"I'm so sorry I didn't realize....I um...I've got to get back to my parents." Jenna said embarrassed turning and walking away swiftly.

"She didn't mean any harm by that Josh." Tyler said removing Josh's arm from his shoulder.

"Didn't she though?" Josh sighed and saw the main doors open. "Come on,your parents are waving at us."

Tyler nodded and followed after him.

They shuffled into the pews as other families came up and shook their hands, a lot of them welcoming Josh, but they still had that look in their eyes. The look of worry, some more judgmental than others. Tyler could see Josh fidgeting uncomfortably every time someone new approached him.

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