Chapter 7: Lovely

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Tyler zipped up his Adidas jacket all the way so the collar would cover the hickey's that littered his neck. Even though it was actually fairly warm outside he had no choice, it wasn't like he could wear a scarf. That would be even more suspicious. He walked downstairs and grabbed his backpack, hoping to avoid his mother before he left.

No such luck.

"Tyler? Aren't you going to get some breakfast?" Kelly said bustling around the kitchen. Tyler's eyes snapped from the door to the counter where the box of poptarts were.

"I got it Tyler." Josh said tossing a pack of poptarts to him so he wouldn't have to come in there. Tyler sighed in relief as he opened the door, both boys saying goodbyes to Kelly.

"You're practically jumping out of your skin. Relax you're not the first person to have a hickey." Josh said as Tyler drove while munching on his poptart.

"I just don't want people asking questions. Especially Jenna. Christ I forgot about Jenna! She'll fucking notice for sure." Tyler said panic rising in his voice as he pulled into the school lot and parking. "I don't feel so well."

"Tyler you can't see anything I promise. Even if someone sees it they'll just think it's from some chick right?" Josh said grabbing Tyler by his shoulders and turning him to face him. "Breathe."

Tyler inhaled slowly and exhaled a few times then nodded. "Alright I'm a little better." He said unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out of the car, Josh doing the same. The fresh morning air made him feel better as well.

Tyler was still nervous the rest of the day, purposely trying to avoid his friends. Especially Jenna. He had almost done it too, until he went to the parking lot and saw her standing at a friends car about to leave.

"Hey Tyler! I haven't seen you all day!" Jenna said waving to him before running up and giving him a hug. "You've gotta be warm in that jacket." She said observing him. Honestly he was, and he couldn't wait to go home and take it off.

"I'm fine Jenna, it's just a jacket." Tyler said looking past her to see Josh standing at the car, eyeing them. "Josh is waiting for me."

Jenna frowned. "You've been hanging out with him a lot recently."

"Well he kinda lives with me I can't really avoid it." Tyler said sighing and looking at the small pout on her face. "Look I'm actually free this Saturday. I'll ask a few of the guys and you can ask some of your friends and we can go bowling. How's that sound?" He said seeing her face light up as she smiled.

"It's a date then! Six o'clock good?" Jenna said smiling as Tyler nodded. "See you Saturday!" She said running off.

"It's not a date." Tyler mumbled under his breath as he walked and got into the car. Josh slid in next to him staring daggers. "Oh come on you're not seriously going to give me shit for that."

"Oh I'm not? You're not even into her Tyler." Josh scoffed crossing his arms.

"You jealous or something? You sucked me off one time." Tyler said rolling his eyes.

"Tyler I shoved a vibrator up your ass and you mewled like a bitch in heat. Plus these." Josh said leaning over and unzipping Tyler's jacket and pulling it to the side, exposing the hickey's that were lined from his neck to his collarbone.

Tyler smacked Josh's hand away and zipped his jacket back up. "I didn't mewl like a bitch in heat." He retorted seeing Josh grinning beside him.

"Yeah you did and honestly Tyler it was a really big turn on." Josh said. "I can't wait until you let me own you." He whispered into Tyler's ear.

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