Chapter 24: Home

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5 years later
Both 23 y/o

Tyler scribbled down things in his notebook on the bed as Josh tapped lightly on his drums. Light shown through their large apartment window that overlooked the bustling city below. The band that Tyler had decided to name "Twenty One Pilots" was doing astonishingly well, getting bigger by the day. Him and Josh poured everything they had into their music and they were both extremely happy.

"Hey baby I've been thinking about something lately." Josh said setting down his worn drumsticks. His drum set was now worn as well, considering how long he'd had it.

"What is it?" Tyler smiled and looked up from writing, climbing out of their bed and walking over to Josh.

"I know we just started selling tickets like hot cakes and those record label guys keep talking to us and I know it's stressful but I can't help thinking about it......" Josh trailed off and Tyler sat on his lap, making the drum seat bounce slightly.

"Just tell me goof." Tyler smiled and kissed Josh's nose.

"What do you think about kids?" Josh said softly and Tyler shrugged.

"I like kids." Tyler said and Josh smiled a bit. "Were you thinking about maybe adopting one?"

Josh nodded a bit and looked up at his lover who looked just as happy as he did. "I'd love to have a kid with you Josh."

Josh's heart beat faster as he got up pulling Tyler into a hug and twirling him around before kissing him. "You're gonna be such a great dad."

"Me? I've already seen you with kids from my old church you're going to make an amazing dad." Tyler said as he wrapped his arms around Josh's neck.

(a/n: No lie every time I see videos or photos of  them with children I cry it's so beautiful)

Josh and Tyler stayed up all night looking through different adoption options. Where would they adopt from? Did they want a boy or a girl? Did they want both maybe? Were they really ready to adopt a child?
Eventually they both dosed off with Tyler still in Josh's lap in front of the computer, both leaning back in the soft chair.

The next day they both awoke sore but that didn't stop Tyler from contacting a local adoption agency and setting up an appointment. Josh had a friend who was a social worker that would help them in adopting a foster child. The two bickered at one another while they drove to the agency.

"Josh toddler's are potty trained and are already out of that gross baby stage. We should get a toddler." Tyler said as Josh was driving.

"There's no such thing as a gross baby stage." Josh chuckled. He loved children of any age. They were pure and sweet.

"It's just when I thought about it, I imagined a toddler." Tyler said shrugging. "Babies aren't that bad I suppose."

Josh pulled into the driveway and they both got out, Tyler opening the door for Josh to go in.

After filling out many forms and talking with the agency, they were finally allowed to look at files of the kids.

"When you see a file you like just let us know and you can meet them." The agency lady said with a smile. Her name tag said Brandy on it.

"Thank you Brandy we'll let you know." The brunette smiled as he opened the folders. After flipping through multiple pages and then a few books Tyler sighed. Brandy went back to her office to continue working.

"I wish we could adopt them all." Tyler said, his hand in Josh's as they flipped through photos. Suddenly bright blonde curls caught his eye. "What's his name?" Tyler asked scanning over the photo.

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