Chapter 5: Honesty

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(a/n: I'll let you know when to play the song.)

Tyler's alarm woke him up with a start and he sighed rolling over and slamming the snooze button.

"Breakfast Tyler." His mother said before going to Josh's door and saying the same thing. Tyler groaned and got dressed slowly not wanting to see Josh.

Josh was already seated at the breakfast table munching on a bowl of cereal, smiling at something Madison said. It must have been funny. Madison got a long with just about everybody so it was no surprise that she was already trying to befriend Josh.

Tyler  grabbed a granola bar and ate it while grabbing his car keys."I'm going now." He announced.

"Tyler wouldn't it be more convenient to drive Josh with you as well? Madison has friends to sit with on the bus, Josh is new." Kelly said picking up Josh's empty cereal bowl and putting it in the sink.

Tyler sighed and nodded. "Come on Josh." He said grabbing his back pack and heading out the door. Josh grabbed his stuff and followed behind.

"Tyler we're going to have to talk at some point." Josh said in the car on the way to school. Tyler's knuckles turned white on the steering wheel as he gripped it tighter, still not answering him. "Jesus and I thought I was an asshole."

"Look Josh it's kind of complicated." Tyler said pulling into the school parking lot and shutting the car off.

"It doesn't have to be." Josh said confused. "If anything you're the one making it complicated. Just be honest with yourself."

"Not now Josh." Tyler said getting out of his car as Nick approached it.

"Hey Tyler. Is that him?" Nick said nodding at Josh who got out of the car, slamming the door a little harder than he should have. "Kinda scary looking isn't he?"

"I can hear you four eyes." Josh said walking passed him and up the steps.

Nick raised his eyebrows as he and Tyler watched Josh go into the building. "Is he always like that?"

Tyler thought about Josh's hands skimming across his knuckles and how his hands felt roaming up his back. He grimaced. "Yeah. Yeah he is."

"Alright Joshua Dun. Here's your schedule. Welcome to your new school." The secretary said handing Josh a piece of paper.

"If I had a dollar every time I heard that." Josh said handing his paper to Tyler who was standing beside him. "How many classes do we have together?"

"A few. Do you need me to show you where they are?" Tyler said opening the door and going towards his locker. Josh nodded and followed behind him. Tyler grabbed his books and glanced across the hall noticing a few of his friends, including Jenna, looking at him in an odd way. Confused he turned and realized they weren't looking at him, but at Josh.

Tyler sighed slamming his locker and walking down the hallway passed them.

"I tried calling you yesterday Tyler." Jenna spoke as Tyler walked by causing him to stop suddenly, Josh almost running into him.

"Oh uh I guess I missed it. Sorry." Tyler lied. He had purposely let it go to voicemail because he didn't really feel like talking to her after the events of Church.

Jenna sighed and walked up to him. "Look I've really missed you. I know you've been through some difficult things this past year, and I don't want you getting mixed up with...the wrong sort of people." Jenna said glancing at Josh standing by the wall a few feet away.

Tyler nodded "Yeah thanks I guess. I can watch out for myself." He said seeing a sad look in Jenna's eyes, almost like pity. Tyler scowled a bit.

"Alright well I'll see you later Tyler." Jenna said hugging him and giving  him a swift kiss on the cheek. Tyler automatically kissed her cheek back.

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