Chapter 3: Party

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"Look who still gets kisses from their mommy." A voice said at the top of the stairs. Tyler looked up and saw Josh leaning against the railing.

Tyler glared at him "Yeah so? At least I have a mom." He spat at him,instantly regretting it.

Josh's mouth twitched before he laughed. "Good one, like I haven't heard that before." He retorted but his eyes were dark.

Tyler rolled his eyes and walked up the stairs, shoving passed Josh. Suddenly Josh pushed Tyler against the wall and stared down at him just as intensely as he did outside. "You better watch it though, pretty boy." Josh smirked before letting him go and walking down the stairs.

Tyler exhaled slowly and ran to his room shutting and locking his door.Suddenly Tyler looked over on his bed and saw his porno magazines laying open, only instead of women it held pictures of men. His face heated up slowly. Josh had been in his room. He'd found his porn stash. Tyler wasn't even sure why he had them, he had just been curious. What if he told his parents? They'd kill him, or try having him exorcised or something of the sort.

Tyler got his stash and rammed it back in the small slit he made in his mattress pulling the covers back over it before ripping open his door and running downstairs. Josh sat there on the couch grinning,  smoking cigarette.

"You can't smoke in here." Tyler said angrily, putting his hands on his hips.

"You're really in no position to be giving orders. Something tells me your position is taking them." Josh grinned wider before putting the cigarette out on the table.

Tyler's faced flushed red. "I swear to God if you tell anyone I'll-"

"You'll what?" Josh said getting up and standing and getting few inches from Tyler's face.

Tyler swallowed audibly.

Josh looked him up and down and for some reason Tyler felt himself getting butterflies instead of being intimidated.

"Go to a party with me tonight and I won't tell a soul." Josh said before putting another cigarette in his mouth and walking outside.

Tyler's eyebrows creased as he looked after him confused. A party? Why a party?

Tyler heard a soft tapping on his door that night. He hadn't slept a wink.The clock read 1:05 AM. He opened it and Josh came inside walking straight towards the window.

"What are you doing?" Tyler asked as Josh leaned down and swung a leg over the windowsill.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm going to a party." He said and smiled a bit. He loved how innocent Tyler was. It made him that much more appealing. Josh loved dirtying up anything clean.

Before Tyler could say anything else Josh swung his other leg around and hung onto the sill by just his fingers then dropped to the ground with a soft thud, just like a graceful cat.

Tyler looked down at him. "I've never done that before." He said nervously.

"Just use the porno mags as inspiration." Josh said shoving his hands in his hoodie pocket and grinning up at Tyler.

Tyler sighed and awkwardly climbed out of the windowsill. Suddenly his foot hitched on the side and he lost his balance. Tyler let out a small yell before falling. That kind of yell where you know you're screwed but you yell anyway.

"Shit!"Josh said running and grabbed Tyler before he hit the ground, making Josh fall flat on his back. Tyler was sprawled on top of him.

"Oh my god." Tyler said staring into Josh's face that was contorted in pain. "Are you alright?"

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