Chapter 10: Angry Love

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(a/n:Wait to play the song.)

Josh hadn't talked to Tyler all week. He had heard Josh sneak in and out of the house at all hours of the night and skip classes at school. Tyler had no idea what was going on but he kept his mouth shut. He wasn't going to get Josh in trouble.

Tyler had gone to get a midnight snack when he saw Josh creep in again. The blue haired boy froze at as he saw Tyler standing there in the kitchen. They both stood there silently for a few seconds before Josh walked to the stairs.

"Josh?" Tyler said his voice cracking. Josh stopped and winced as he heard the pain in Tyler's voice. If he told him what was going on, Tyler would hate him forever. He had put Tyler at risk.

"Josh please." Tyler said hobbling over to Josh who was still frozen on the steps. "What did I do wrong?" He said looking up at Josh with tears in his eyes.

Josh couldn't stand it. After he learned Tyler had tried taking his life the year before, Josh had wanted nothing more than to go to him and wrap his arms around the fragile boy. Things had gotten extremely out of hand with Andrew though.

"I'm sorry." Was all Josh said before going up the stairs quickly, going into his room and closing the door turning the lock. He sat on his bed and began punching his pillow over and over again, the anger and hurt overflowing. Red hot tears dripped down his face as he punched the pillow imagining it to be Andrew's face. He had been doing drug runs for Andrew all week. Josh thought that after he had done the big drug run Andrew would let him off the hook.

Boy was he wrong.

Andrew used the pictures to get anything he wanted out of Josh. Drug runs was the main one, but Andrew had begun hinting at other things. Sexual things.

"Josh don't you miss what we had? The thrill of doing dangerous things together, the love we had." Andrew said wrapping his arms around Josh's waist. Josh stood still like a statue when Andrew kissed him.

"I have to go." Josh had said that night. Andrew smiled and let him go this time, but Josh knew that it wasn't going to last long. He was crossing into dangerous territory. The cops were already hot on Andrew's trail and if Josh was involved again, he would go to prison. His chest rose and fell heavily as he felt a panic attack coming on. Josh began his breathing exercises and he heard Tyler go into his own room. He was going to have to find a way to get rid of those photos before anything extreme happened.

"Josh nice of you to drop back by." Andrew smiled as Josh walked into in the warehouse. Different  thugs were walking around, some carrying giant boxes and others glared at him with grimaces on their faces. He hated it here.

"I told you I was done with this Andrew. What's it going to take?" Josh said approaching Andrew his hands in fists.

"Well I was planning on letting you go when you did that double run for me but I forgot what a good runner you were for me. It's hard to let someone like that go." Andrew said scrolling through his phone. "I actually have another run tonight for you."

"I'm not doing any more. I don't care how much you pay me." Josh spat at him. Andrew's gaze didn't leave his phone.

Andrew sighed. "Well I wish you had a choice in this. Too bad you don't. Unless....." Andrew trailed off a smile playing on his lips.

"Unless what?" Josh asked, willing to take anything Andrew would throw at him.

"Unless you sleep with me again." Andrew said his gaze flickering up from his phone to Josh.

Josh's stomach twisted. "No."

"Well then I guess I've got myself a drug runner for a while." Andrew smiled as Josh glared at him. Josh had vowed to never sleep with Andrew again after the amount of abuse that he went through. Andrew had a hard time understanding the words no, even if Josh was screaming it at the top of his lungs. Andrew had somehow convinced Josh that was some kind of kink play, that it was normal and that Josh should always please him. It had been a nightmare.

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