Chapter 12: Summer

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(a/n: wait to play the song)

Josh sat on the porch with Tyler as they ate on popsicles. Josh's was cherry flavored and Tyler's was blue raspberry.

"God it's hot out." Tyler said wiping the sweat from his forehead. His popsicle was dripping down his hand and he licked the side trying to get the stream. He then put the popsicle in his mouth, sucking on it loudly.

"Yeah it is." Josh said staring at Tyler as he licked the popsicle. Tyler stared at Josh in the eyes as he deep throated his popsicle and a soft groan came from Josh as he watched.

"Could you be any hornier?" Tyler laughed as he pulled the popsicle out. Josh grinned and leaned in giving him a kiss, both popsicles melting down each others hands.

"Do you want to go swimming in the creek?" Tyler smiled getting up and tossing his popsicle into the garbage can.

"Hell yeah it's burning up out here." Josh said already throwing off his tank top. Tyler and Josh walked a little  less than a mile from his house into the woods to where there was a big creek where the water came up to around the boys waist.

(start the song if you want)

Josh slipped off his pants and tossed them on the ground before jumping in, splashing Tyler who laughed and began unbuckling his pants, teasing Josh by slipping them off slowly.

As soon as Tyler had them off Josh pulled the brown haired boy in who screamed and fell on top of him. He straddled Josh's hips as Josh held onto him while they waded in the water.

Tyler kissed Josh slowly while grinding his hips against him, the water giving it a whole new feeling. Their boxers even more constricting since the water made it cling to their skin.

Josh grabbed Tyler and pushed him against the embankment of the creek while kissing him deeply, their tongues dancing around in one another's mouths. Tyler gasped softly as Josh palmed the brunette through his wet boxers, the sensation making him moan.

Tyler turned around as Josh kissed down his neck and nipped at his shoulder. Josh's hands trailed down Tyler's back, grabbing his waist and pulling it towards his crotch.

"What do you want babyboy?" Josh murmured into Tyler's ear. Tyler pressed his ass against Josh more and the blue haired boy grinned. "Use your words."

"I want you deep inside of me." Tyler moaned out sending shivers up Josh's spine.

Josh slipped a hand under the water and down Tyler's boxers, his fingers sliding into Tyler easily.

Tyler moaned out and leaned his head back against Josh's neck as Josh worked his fingers in and out slowly while biting Tyler's neck.

"Please fuck me daddy." Tyler moaned out when Josh inserted a third finger. Josh smiled and bent the tan boy over the embankment taking out his length and stroking it a few times.

Tyler whined impatiently and Josh leaned in slowly, painfully slowly, into Tyler. Gripping Tyler's hips he thrusted in and out slowly making Tyler flustered. Tyler could tell why Josh was going slow, almost like an apology for how rough it had been last time. But Tyler liked it rough. Josh smiled as he felt Tyler push back trying to get more friction. Without warning Josh slammed into Tyler causing him to groan out, his voice echoing off the trees.

The water around them rippled and splashed as Josh sped up, leaning over Tyler. His toes curling in the mud as felt Tyler tightening around him.

"T-touch me please." Tyler mewled out and Josh's hand slid under the water and began working Tyler in his hand while pounding into him.

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