Chapter 18: Stay

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Tyler grinded against Josh, their hips swaying together as they danced to Rihanna's song S&M. Josh squeezed Tyler's hips more as he could feel a familiar tinge of desire bubble within him.

"I need you, now." Josh murmured into Tyler's ear, causing Tyler to blush. He grabbed Tyler's hand and began walking with him out of the school's gym and down the darkened hallway.

"W-where are we going?" Tyler whispered as Josh stopped at a door and pulled out a set of keys from his pocket. Tyler's eyes widened as he realized those were the janitor's keys.

"Where the heck did you get those?" Tyler asked putting his hands on his hips. Josh just laughed.

"Does it matter? Come on." The yellow haired boy said pulling Tyler into the dark classroom. The blinds were shut and the only thing you could make out were the desks and the boy's silhouettes.

"You know you kinda look like a teacher standing there in a suit." Tyler giggled and Josh leaned against the teacher's desk.

"Well then, I guess that means you're the failing student who needs extra credit." Josh smirked at Tyler who bit his lip.

"I guess it does Sir." Tyler said teasingly.

Josh pulled Tyler to him by his tie and tilted the boy's chin up, kissing him heatedly. Tyler moaned softly into the kiss and felt Josh pulling his jacket off.

"H-here?? In the classroom?" Tyler squeaked out as Josh left a trail of kisses down Tyler's neck.

"The door's locked nobody will know." Josh grinned as he unbuttoned Tyler's pants, palming him through his boxers. The brunette moaned out and gripped Josh's shoulder.

"Lean over the desk, and keep calling me sir it has a nice ring to it." Josh murmured into Tyler's ear before biting his earlobe.

"Yes sir." Tyler shuddered and did as he was told leaning over the desk, his ass pressing against Josh's leg.

Josh snapped Tyler's boxers before pulling them down causing the brunette to yelp and Josh smirked. Tyler heard the sound of a wrapper being opened and he turned to see Josh putting a condom on.

"Don't wanna leave any evidence do we?" Josh said then turned Tyler around, stroking the tan boy a few times before slipping another condom onto Tyler's length. Tyler moaned a bit as Josh let his finger swirl around his head before turning him back over and shoving him over the desk.

Josh pulled out a small bottle of lube from his pocket and Tyler smirked. "Always prepared aren't you?" He said sassily.

"What was that?" Josh growled and pulled the tie from Tyler's neck causing his back to arch and his neck to snap back.

"N-nothing sir." Tyler murmured as he felt Josh rub his length against his ass before pushing into him, filling him up. "Oh god."

"You're such an exhibitionist aren't you, you little slut?" Josh grinned before thrusting into Tyler more and moving at a steady pace. Tyler's length was pressed between the desk and his stomach and he bucked his hips for friction.

"Y-yes sir." Tyler moaned out and Josh spanked him, causing the brunette to moan out and press against Josh more. "H-harder."

Josh leaned over Tyler bottoming out inside him and thrusting faster, rolling his hips. Tyler groaned out and gripped the desk in front of him and tried not to yell out as Josh hit his sweet spot.

"J-Josh I'm close." Tyler mewled out and Josh stopped moving causing a moaning of protest from Tyler.

"You're close what?" Josh asked grabbing Tyler's tie and pulling him up.

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