Chapter 19: Yes

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a/n: wait to play song.

The fair was back in town and the whole family decided to go. Jenna, Debby and Nick had also tagged along which confused Tyler because Nick had always talked about hating fairs especially the rides. They freaked him out and he constantly was concerned about the safety.

Josh took a bite of Tyler's pretzel and the brunette giggled, yanking it away before Josh could take another bite.

"Are you two having fun?" Jenna said they sat at the tables where food was strewn out in front of them. Debby was sitting in Jenna's lap.

"Yeah it's hard to believe it's been a little over a year since we were here last. Did Josh tell you this was where he asked me to his boyfriend?" Tyler smiled and Josh pecked his cheek.

"No way that makes so much sense now." Debby said and Jenna smacked her arm. "I mean in just a uh...oh look Jenna ice cream I want some!" The strawberry blonde girl said getting up and grabbing Jenna's arm, tugging her along.

Tyler watched after them confused and Nick just shook his head.

"Classic Debby." Josh said and laughed nervously. Before Tyler could ask Josh what he meant the yellow haired boy pulled Tyler with him towards the spinning teacups. "Wanna come Nick?"

"Ah, no thanks. I'll chill with the adults at the other table." Nick said getting up and going to the table opposite.

"I don't know why he even came, he's not even gonna ride anything." Tyler said as they got on the spinning teacups and spun around until both boys were smooshed against each other in a giggling mess.

The day went on like this until the sun began going down and Josh looked up at the Ferris Wheel and then at Tyler. "Shall we?"

"Of course." Tyler grinned and they stood in line. The brunette looked behind him and saw everyone standing in a small group, watching them. "Why're they acting so weird?"

"I don't know, c'mon." Josh said glaring at everyone because they were making this so damn obvious. "Stop it." He mouthed at everyone and Madison stuck her tongue out and everyone else just tried to look busy which just made it worse.

Josh helped Tyler into the small metal box and the got strapped in, the brunette snuggling against Josh and holding onto the small metal bar. The ride halted at the top again and a strong sense of nostalgia hit them as they watched the sunset.

"T-Tyler I have a question." Josh stammered nervously, the small velvet box in his pocket suddenly weighing a ton.

"Hm?" Tyler hummed looking at Josh now, seeing the nervousness in his eyes. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine I just...okay I'm just gonna do it." Josh said pulling out the small black velvet box from his pocket. Tyler clasped his hand over his mouth when he realized what it was.

"Tyler Joseph, would you do the absolute honors of marrying me?" Josh said opening the box to reveal a shiny black onyx ring with a small red ruby in the middle. Tyler practically died as he squealed, wrapping his arms around Josh and kissing him.

"Yes! Oh my God yes!" Tyler said and Josh grinned as he took the small ring out of the box and slipped it onto Tyler's finger. It fit perfectly. "I love it, and Josh I love you so dang much."

"I love you too baby." Josh smiled and kissed him gently. They both looked down and saw everyone cheering and Kelly snapping photos. A small group of passerby's had stopped to watch and were clapping as well. Tyler blushed and nuzzled his head into Josh's shoulder and Josh wrapped his arms around his new fiancé.

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