Chapter 25: All You Need Is Love

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Final Chapter lovelies

Josh opened the door and Tyler stood beside him nervously.

"Hey guys." Brandy said sweetly. Ruby was in her arms, eyes wide open and alert. Tyler noticed she looked a little skittish.

"Come in." Josh said as they began walking towards the living room. Brandy gently put Ruby down and the little girl looked up at Tyler and Josh and waved again smiling.

"Cookies!" Ruby exclaimed happily as she went to the coffee table and grabbing two, one in each hand, before sitting on the floor to eat them.

"That was a good idea, she loves sweets." Brandy smiled as they watched her munch happily on her treats. They completely catered their actions around Ruby and what she wanted. They walked with her to investigate the rest of the house. She was extremely intrigued by Josh's drum set and was startled at first at how loud it was but when Josh let her sit on his lap and play she became less scared.

Tyler then let her sit beside him in his piano bench as he began playing slowly and she watched with extreme fascination. Tyler hummed softly before he started singing something off the top of his head.

"Ruby I hope I see you
I waited all this week
For you to walk my way
your soul will capture me..."

Ruby giggled happily and took one of Tyler's hands as he stopped playing, her small fingers wrapped around his larger ones.

"I've never seen her so captivated by someone." Brandy whispered to Josh. They were both standing a few feet away watching silently.

After that they ventured to her room and she walked around it slowly, the red walls contrasting greatly against her pale frame.

"Do you like it Ruby?" Tyler asked as the little girl went to the wall and touched them.

"I like red." Ruby said softly as she touched each wall before coming back over over Josh and making grabby hands. "Up."

Josh complied and lifted Ruby up into his arms. She yawned and nuzzled her face into his chest.

"Someone's tired." Josh whispered and he walked over to her bed and tried letting her go but she stirred and got upset. Josh eventually ended up carrying her to him and Tyler's bedroom and laying down himself with her on his stomach so she wouldn't cry.

"I'll bring in the rest of her suitcases. I wasn't expecting her to want to stay the first night but I came prepared anyways. If you need anything afterwards let me know." Brandy said sweetly before going to door to go get the rest of Ruby's things.

Tyler's gaze shifted back to Josh whose arms were wrapped protectively around their little girl and Tyler almost cried. Josh had drifted off to sleep as well his soft snores filling the room.

"I love you both." Tyler whispered kissing Josh's forehead and Ruby's before going back to the living room. He had a song to finish.

Things went better than Tyler and Josh had expected. Ruby absolutely adored her new home but it took her a while to sleep alone in her room. She didn't like sleeping alone.

"Hey angel did you wanna sleep with us again?" Tyler asked a sleepy Ruby who nodded and crawled into their bed, flopping on Josh's chest as usual. Josh shifted a little before looking up at Tyler.

"Hm?" Tyler said looking at Josh.

"You're so beautiful." Josh said tracing his finger along Tyler's jaw. Tyler smiled and kissed Josh's hand before drifting of to sleep.

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