Chapter 13: Birthday

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a/n: wait to play song

Josh's hands trembled with the gun that he held, a small trail of smoke coming from the end of it. Andrew stumbled back clutching his chest looking at Josh with bewilderment in his eyes before falling back onto the ground with a small thud. Blood seeped through Andrew's clothes as Josh slowly fell to his knees dropping the gun.

"Oh god." Josh mumbled and was immediately sick. He held his stomach as tears dripped down his face. Everything was quiet. Suddenly Josh heard a shuffling beside him and looked up to see a barrel of a gun in his face. It was Andrew's bodyguard. Josh looked up at him with teary eyes and closed them, waiting for his fate.

"CPD PUT YOUR WEAPON DOWN OR WE WILL FIRE." Yelled a loud voice over a megaphone. Josh opened his eyes to see the place surrounded by police officers, bright lights flashing from every corner.

The bodyguard put his hands on his head and dropped the gun. Josh put his hands behind his back as cops came and put them in handcuffs.

Tyler finally became untied along with Debby, the brunette running over to Josh and leaping onto him wrapping his arms and legs around the blue haired boy. Josh struggled to stay standing with his hands cuffed behind him but he smiled as he kissed Tyler who had tears streaming down his face.

"I love you." Tyler said when he pulled away from the kiss.

Josh's eyes widened. This was the first time Tyler had said he loved him. "I love you too babyboy." He smiled and kissed him again.

"Okay you two break it up. Officer take the cuffs of this boy he clearly did nothing wrong." Officer Thomas said walking up to them. Tyler slid off of Josh and stood next to him, keeping his arm wrapped tightly around Josh's.

"What? I-I shot Andrew, we're going to have to go to court for this." Josh stammered as Officer Thomas picked up the gun Josh had used, using a cloth to wipe it down.

"What I think happened is that Andrew's goon shot him and then held you at gunpoint with this gun." Officer Thomas said putting the gun in a plastic bag.

Josh rubbed his wrist as the cuffs came off and he smiled at Officer Thomas. "Thank you."

"Don't mention it. We've been keeping tabs on you for a while. I figured something like this would happen sooner or later." Officer Thomas said giving the bag to evidence. "Just go home and get your story straight. They'll ask you to come in and give your side. I suggest you stick to what I said. Not that you would be guilty, I'd just like to avoid the unnecessary court case."

"Alright Officer Thomas." Josh smiled and shook his hand. Debby came up and hugged Josh and Tyler.

"I'm so glad you two are okay." Debby smiled. She had an icepack pressed against her cheek.

"Are you gonna be okay?" Josh asked worriedly. Debby smiled and just waved her hand.

"I'll be fine, it's just a bruise." She said and looked at Tyler, who hadn't let go of Josh the entire time. "You two look really cute together actually."

Tyler blushed and looked up at Josh. "T-thanks."

Debby smiled and hugged them both before an EMT came over and asked her to come with him. She waved goodbye and went to the ambulance.

"Are you alright?" Josh said taking Tyler's hands and checking his wrists that had slight rope marks on them. Tyler just nodded and looked up at the blue haired boy.

"A-are you alright? Josh you did just...kill someone." Tyler said quietly. Josh ran his hand through his hair and sighed.

"I think so. I mean, he wasn't a very nice person." Josh said and Tyler giggled. "Stop giggling it's a crime scene."

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