Chapter 11: Surprise

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Tyler and Josh sighed as the phone buzzed on the counter again. Josh was ignoring it, he'd been getting texts all week from Andrew and he wouldn't leave him alone.

"What are we gonna do?" Josh sighed running his hand through his fading blue hair. If he missed any more drug runs then Andrew was certain to keep his promise.

"I'm not sure. I've been thinking about it for a while." Tyler said scratching at his ankle that had a simple lace up boot now that only went up to his ankle.

"Summer's coming up soon and that means he's going to want me whenever I'm free." Josh groaned and sat beside Tyler on his bed. "This has gotten really messy."

"Maybe we should tell someone." Tyler said and Josh shook his head.

"Yeah and have Andrew get arrested and snitch on me for doing drug runs for him? Yeah right that'd be a one way ticket to prison." Josh scoffed and tossed his phone on the bed beside him.

"I was thinking about something." Tyler said taking Josh's hand and lacing his fingers with his. "We've been under a lot of stress lately...."

"Yeah?" Josh said looking at the brown haired boy. His brown eyes sparkled with excitement.

"The carnival is in town. Do you maybe wanna go?" Tyler said seeing Josh smile a bit. "I mean unless you don't want to I totally understand."

"It'd be like our first date." Josh said bringing Tyler's hand up to his lips and kissing it. "I'd love to go with you."

Tyler blushed like crazy and cleared his throat. "G-great! I'll get my bag and we can go." He said getting up and fumbling around.

Josh chuckled watching a nervous Tyler run around and get ready. It was adorable.

Tyler was shoving things in his backpack when he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist and hold him tightly. He smiled as he felt Josh's lips press against his neck.

"Let's go." Josh said taking Tyler's hand as they both went downstairs and out the door.

"No way I am not getting on that!" Tyler said as he watched the small rollercoaster go in a circle before stopping at the top, the people in it hanging upside down.

Josh laughed and held his hand "Come on it'll be fun! I'll let you hold onto me okay?"

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Josh laughed and held his hand "Come on it'll be fun! I'll let you hold onto me okay?"

Tyler swallowed and looked up at the intimidating piece of metal. "O-okay." He agreed weakly.

Both boys screamed as the coaster rocketed forward and Tyler clutched onto Josh like his life depended on it. It stopped at the top giving the sensation of falling and Tyler screeched gripping onto Josh's hand more. Josh looked at him and laughed and Tyler immediately felt better laughing along with him. Then they screamed again as the coaster plummeted down.

"Oh god that was terrifying!" Tyler laughed clutching his stomach as they walked off.

"But it was fun right?" Josh grinned and Tyler just shook his head smiling.

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