Chapter 8: Found

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Tyler pulled Josh into his room. "What do you think Debby wants?" He said as Josh began putting his shirt and shoes on.

"I have no idea I haven't seen her since the party." Josh said brow furrowing trying to think of a reason. "She was pretty upset when I told her we couldn't fuck anymore though."

Tyler felt a small bit of satisfaction knowing that he had Josh all to himself now.

"Can I go with you?" He asked surprising himself.

"I you want to?" Josh asked equally surprised. "I would like you to but if you're uncomfortable..."

"No I'm fine I definitely want to go with you." Tyler said putting his shoes on and following Josh down the stairs. He honestly didn't want to let Debby be alone with Josh.

Josh walked up the steps of Debby's house while Tyler stood a few feet behind him. Josh knocked a few times and Debby opened the door almost instantly, a worried look on her face. They both walked in and Josh froze.

"Hello Josh I was wondering when I'd see you again." Said a voice that made Josh's blood run cold.

"Andrew."Josh said dryly as Tyler looked back and forth between them with confusion before he realized who it was. Andrew was lanky but muscular, with whispy brown hair. Definitely attractive, but his eyes were cold.

 Definitely attractive, but his eyes were cold

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"See you found a new boy toy. Debby was right he does look better than me. Would you ever rent him out?" Andrew said and laughed a bit.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Tyler said stepping up in front of Josh, his anger getting the better of him.

"Feisty isn't he? Control your pet Josh." Andrew said taking a step towards Tyler, and Josh pulled Tyler back. Andrew wasn't a nice person when angry.

"What are you doing here? I told you I quit." Josh said blandly glancing over at Debby who looked just as upset as he was. This was an unexpected visit.

"So I heard. I was quite upset the last time I heard from you considering it was from the police station." Andrew said crossing his arms. "A lot of stash got confiscated under your care."

Josh swallowed and began picking at the skin around his thumbnail. He couldn't actually believe that Andrew had went out to find him. It scared him that he found him so quickly, and so easily seemed to manipulate Debby.

"What do you want me to do about it?" Josh said defensively.

Andrew closed the space between him and Josh, getting inches from his face.

"I want you to go on another run for me, only this time doubling what you had the first time since you got it taken." Andrew said a sick smile playing on his lips.

Josh scoffed. "And what makes you think I would ever do that you piece of shit?"

"This." Andrew said and with one swift movement punched Josh in the face.Josh fell on the floor seeing stars. Blinking he noticed something shiny on Andrew's knuckles.

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