Chapter 15: Holidays

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"Happy Birthday babyboy." Josh murmured into Tyler's when they woke up. Tyler giggled as Josh nipped at the brunettes ear and neck a bit before getting out of bed and going to the bathroom.

Tyler was excited for, Josh had said he had whole day planned out for him after school today. He quickly got up and got dressed.

"Happy Birthday Tyler!" Jenna smiled and gave him a hug when she saw him in the hallway. She had a small wrapped box and handed it to him. Tyler grinned and opened it revealing a pair of white sunglasses.

"Wow Jenna I love them!" He smiled and took the sunglasses out of the box slipping them on.

"You look great." Josh grinned and Tyler stuck his tongue out at him and the yellow haired boy leaned down and pecked him on the cheek. The bell rang and they all said goodbye to each other and filtered into their classes.

Tyler walked into his English class and Nick came up to him and handed him a card. "Happy Birthday Tyler. Sorry it's not much." The boy said and grinned sheepishly. He didn't really have the money to buy a present.

"It's perfect Nick thanks." Tyler grinned and opened the card. Inside it was a collage of photos of Nick and Tyler from when they were little to their most recent group senior photo. "I'm gonna put this in my scrapbook."

Josh sat down and saw the photo collage and smiled at Nick but then frowned when he saw one photo of Nick and Tyler in a hospital room, Tyler smiling weakly at the camera and Nick giving a thumbs up.

"When was this?" Josh said pointing at the photo of Tyler in the hospital. Tyler and Nick were silent for a moment. His stomach churned. Josh had an idea when this was.

"I never told you about that did I.....?" Tyler said quietly. Nick sank lower into his seat and cleared his throat. "It was was last year that I tried..." The brunette's voice cracked and his throat closed up as he tried to talk.

Josh grabbed Tyler's hands and looked him in the eyes. "It's alright you don't have to tell me. It's alright now okay?" The yellow haired boy said trying not to choke up pulling Tyler towards him into a hug. He couldn't tell him that Jenna told him what happened. Tyler's breath was shakey against Josh's shoulder for a few minutes before he pulled away and inhaled.

"It's alright Tyler. You're getting better and I'll be here for you." Josh said kissing Tyler's hand. Tyler smiled and wiped the sleeve of his hoodie against his eyes.

"I love you Josh."

"I love you too baby." Josh said and turned around when the teacher cleared his throat making them roll their eyes and turn around to pay attention to the class.

Josh drove a blindfolded Tyler after school and Tyler kept trying to take a peek.

"No looking silly." Josh said seeing him trying to remove a slither of the fabric. Tyler groaned but kept his hands in his lap.

"Alright we're here." Josh said shutting off the car. It was quiet and Tyler felt Josh's fingers taking the blindfold off. He blinked a few times and inhaled slowly seeing what was in front of him.

They were at a lookout point at the top of the town. You could see the lights twinkling of the city below, and the sun was beginning to set.

Josh got out and opened the door for Tyler. The brunette got out and was still staring at the scenery when Josh came back around with a picnic basket and a blanket.

"Hungry?" Josh said and smiled laying out the blanket on the ground and sitting. Tyler sat on his knees beside Josh and grinned when he pulled out red bull and some food that he had made.

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