Chapter 6: Bruises

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(a/n: yo there's some smut at the end if you're into that. Who am I kidding why else are you here.)

"Joseph look out!" His friend yelled before the ball collided into Tyler's stomach, making him double over and cough.

"Tyler pay attention! We have a game in a few days." His coach yelled before blowing the whistle. "Take a break."

Tyler sat on the bench next to Nick who tossed him a bottle of water.

"Kind of creepy isn't it? How Josh just sits there every practice and just watches." His friend said glancing up at Josh who was doing something on his phone.

"What?He's not allowed to watch us practice?" Tyler said drinking from the bottle and wiping his forehead.

"Yeah sure if he was watching US practice, he just watches you man. It gives off a creepy vibe. Like he's got the hots for you or something." His friend said and laughed.

Tyler choked on his water and coughed into his jersey. "That's not funny dude."

"Relax I was just kidding. If he tries anything though tell the guys and we'll beat him up for you." Nick said patting Tyler on the back.

Coach called practice over and Tyler went to locker rooms to shower, an uneasy feeling settling in his stomach

"You okay?" Josh said sliding into the passenger seat of Tyler's car.Tyler nodded and ran his fingers through his damp hair.

"You look really hot when you're wet." Josh smirked and ran his hand up Tyler's thigh.

Tyler's breath hitched but he grabbed Josh's hand. "Wait until we get home okay?" He said glancing around outside.

"Alright paranoid." Josh said slumping back in the seat while Tyler revved the car and began driving home.

Tyler sighed and looked over at Josh on the couch who was tapping on his phone again concentrating. He stopped doing his homework at the table sitting up a bit trying to see what he was doing.

"You could just ask me what I'm doing." Josh said looking up and smiling at Tyler's inquisitive look.

Tyler's face flushed but he got up from the table and sat next to Josh on the couch. "What are you doing then?"

"I'm trying to find my drum set." Josh said sighing and rubbing his forehead in frustration. "I think my previous foster family sold it."

"You play the drums?" Tyler said running his hand up Josh's arm, Josh flexing automatically. "Well I should've guessed."

Josh smirked a bit and looked at his phone. "They won't contact me, and the last thing they told me is that they would get rid of every sign of me ever being there."

"That's pretty messed up." Tyler asked amazed at how someone could be so cruel.

"Well I did fuck their son." Josh said avoiding Tyler's eyes. His phone buzzed and his face lit up. "My drum set is at the local pawnshop come on."

Tyler felt conflicted momentarily but slipped on his shoes and followed Josh anyways yelling to his mom that they were going out. They walked to the pawn shop Josh opening the door for Tyler who loved pawn shops; the grungy feel they had to them. Only in a pawn shop could you get a guitar and a weed wacker in the same place.

He put a quarter in the gumball machine and popped the squares in his mouth chewing for a moment. Josh had gone to the counter and was already asking the man behind it. Tyler could see Josh's face fall suddenly as the man pointed to the display across the room.

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