Chapter Twenty One (Pilots): Trust

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a/n: Wait to play song.

Josh was sitting nervously on the couch, picking at his thumb. Tyler had called Laura and Bill inviting them over for lunch. Tyler sat next to Josh who was zoned out, staring at the wall.

"Josh?" Tyler asked gently, almost like talking to a scared animal. The yellow haired boy glanced at Tyler sighing softly. "It'll be okay, we'll do this together."

Josh nodded and Tyler took his hand, holding it tightly so Josh would quit picking at himself. Their eyes shot to the door when they heard the doorbell ring.

Tyler slowly got up and crossed to the front door, inhaling and putting on a smile before opening it. "Hello, glad you could make it." He said immediately being pulled into a hug by Laura once again. "Come in."

The two anxious parents walked through the door and Laura let out a small gasp when she looked into the living room and saw Josh. The boy's face was stricken with anxiety.

Tyler walked back to the couch first, Laura and Bill slowly trailing behind before sitting on the loveseat across from them. There was a calm silence in the air before a soft voice broke the tension.

"Joshua? Is that really you?" Laura said quietly, almost in reverence. Josh glanced at Tyler before clearing his throat and nodding.

"Yeah it's me." The yellow haired boy said just as softly.

"Oh honey we don't know what to say." Laura said choking up a bit. Bill took Laura's hand much similar to the way Tyler took Josh's for comfort.

"We're so sorry son." Bill said looking at Josh in the eyes. Josh swallowed.

"I-I know. I'm not...I'm not mad anymore, thanks to Tyler." Josh said and smiled. Tyler's face tinged pink.

Laura sniffed a bit before standing up with Bill, Tyler standing up and tugging gently in Josh's hand.

"May I?" Laura asked holding her arms out. Josh swallowed thickly but nodded. Suddenly he felt his mother's arms wrapped around him and it was wonderful. It was warm and comforting. She smelled like lemons and fabric softener which triggered strange memories for Josh that he didn't even know he had.

"I remember that smell." Josh said absentmindedly, his eyebrows creasing.   "You would set me on top of the dryer when you did laundry, letting me hold the warm blankets."

Laura pulled away, her eyes widening. "Joshua you were barely two. I can't believe you remember that." She said putting her hands on either side of his face, inspecting him. "You've grown so much."

Josh blushed and smiled a bit, feeling his eyes beginning to water. He told himself he wouldn't cry but he just couldn't help it.

"May I, Joshua?" Bill asked and this time Josh initiated the hug, stepping forward and feeling his father pat his back lightly. "We're so glad to have you again."

Josh wiped his eyes and cleared his throat when he stepped back. Looking at Tyler he noticed the brunette practically bawling his eyes out.

"Baby what's wrong?" Josh said turning to Tyler and taking his hands worriedly.

"N-nothing it's just really happy y'know?" Tyler said and he heard the oven beep. "That's the food, ack I'll go get it." He said wiping his eyes and going to the kitchen, the rest of the family following him.

Lunch went by smoothly as Laura and Bill got to catch up with their son and talk to him about everything. Josh didn't think his heart could feel so full. During the meal Madison had come downstairs at the smell of food and got to sit with them, chatting animatedly with Josh's parents.

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