Chapter 17: Suit and Jacket

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Tyler scrambled out of the tub and tripped over his own feet trying to pull his boxers on. Josh unplugged the stopped up tub and got out quickly grabbing a towel and throwing it around his waist. Both boys knew that it was okay to date and kiss and stuff, but neither of them had considered until now how Tyler's parents would react if they knew they were sexually active.

Tyler's heart jumped in his throat as he heard footsteps outside of the door. Josh and Tyler glanced at each other before the brunette pushed Josh into the shower and pulled the curtain seconds before the door opened.

"Oh my lord Tyler you scared me. What....what's going on?" Kelly said looking at her son who was still wet with rose petals stuck to his skin. The candles had gone out leaving the faint smell of smoke in the air.

"I was uh, I was using your bathtub." Tyler said scratching his neck nervously. "I didn't think you'd be home early."

"Tyler that'd be fine if you weren't supposed to still be in school for another hour." Kelly said glancing at her watch before looking back up at Tyler. A rustling sound was heard behind the shower curtain and Tyler's eyes automatically shot to it and Kelly sighed.

"Josh come out please." She said crossing her arms. Josh slowly poked his head out from around the shower curtain, not moving any more than that. "Out here in front please."

Josh clutched at the towel around his waist before stepping out of the shower. Tyler had never seen the yellow haired boy more embarrassed than he was now. He didn't blame him.

Kelly sighed before pinching the bridge of her nose. "I don't want to know what was going on but what I do want is for you two to clean this bathroom up. I'll think of a punishment for you two for skipping school. Now please." She said gesturing to the petals all over the ground.

Josh sighed and Tyler nodded, his eyes glued to the ground. They both quickly got busy cleaning the bathroom when Kelly left.

"Oops." Was all Josh said as he was pulling his clothes on. Tyler just shook his head but grinned. Whatever punishment was waiting would be worth it.


"Wait we're what? " Tyler said almost dropping his fork at dinner. It wasn't the punishment he was expecting but still, it was quite embarrassing.

"I'm taking you both to the clinic this weekend to get tested and help you two with....whatever it is you two have been getting up to." Kelly said looking at both the boys. Josh just shrugged and went back to eating. Tyler was still embarrassed, his cheeks burning red.

"B-but we're clean." Tyler whispered to his mom, Madison snorted a bit across the table.

"That's not the point Tyler the point is to help you two learn and practice" Kelly finally being able to say the word. Her face still scrunched up when she said it.

"I think that's fair." Josh said and Madison's face was practically purple from trying not to laugh. Tyler flicked some peas at her and she giggled.

"I can't believe you haven't found out before this Mom, God imagine being down the hall from them." Madison snickered. Tyler's eyed widened and Josh just laughed a bit.

"Okay enough, I scheduled an appointment for you two this weekend and you will go understand? Either this or I tell your father about what happened in the bathroom and he will not be as easy going as I am on this." Kelly said pointing her fork at both Tyler and Josh.

Tyler's face was probably three shades redder than it was supposed to be, but Josh just nodded for the both of them and said "We'll go Mrs. Joseph, don't worry."

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