Chapter 23: Honey on the Moon

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a/n: there's no amount of holy water that can prepare you for this chapter. Also lmao I keep forgetting they're both 18 in this


Josh pulled into the hotel parking lot, getting out quietly so not to wake Tyler who was sleeping peacefully in the passenger seat. He went ahead and checked in bringing their luggage upstairs before gently unbuckling Tyler and scooping him up in his arms.

Tyler opened his eyes sleepily as they entered the elevator. "Josh?" He said groggily.

"Hey princess I didn't mean to wake you. We're almost to the hotel room." Josh said and kissed Tyler's forehead. Tyler smiled and nuzzled his face into Josh's chest.

Josh carried him through the door and Tyler giggled as Josh laid him on the large bed with soft sheets, kissing him softly.

"You're barely awake Tyler goodness." Josh smirked as Tyler kept trying to pull Josh down onto him. "Let's change you into your pajamas alright baby?"

Tyler nodded sleepily and Josh helped Tyler tug off his clothes and pull him into his sweatpants. As soon as Josh was in his boxers Tyler pulled him into the bed and snuggled against him.

"Goodnight baby." Josh said and kissed him softly. Tyler's goodnight was muffled but Josh understood as he turned the light off.


Bright light shone through the windows and Tyler hummed softly as he sat on the edge of the bed ordering room service. Josh was still asleep, his arm draped lazily across Tyler's pillow. There was soft knock at the door and Tyler took the tray carefully putting it on the table before crawling back into bed and on top of Josh. Tyler bounced gently until Josh's eyes opened and he yawned.

"Morning babyboy." Josh said his voice still thick with sleep. His hands rested on Tyler's hips and the brunette smiled down at him.

"I ordered breakfast, thought you might be hungry." Tyler said and Josh pulled Tyler down onto him, kissing down his neck.

"I'm very hungry actually." Josh murmured into Tyler's ear causing giggles from tan boy before he pushed himself off of Josh.

"Eat first, sex later." Tyler said getting off the bed and going to the table, Josh spanking his rear when he got up. "Josh!"

Tyler and Josh ate silently, their hands intertwined as they would just stare at each other.
"You're so beautiful Tyler." Josh said absentmindedly as he stared at his husband. Tyler blushed.

"So are you." Tyler said quietly and Josh leaned over and kissed his cheek softly. "I saw the tickets in your pants pockets what are they for?"

"That was supposed to be a surprise but since you saw them, get dressed and I'll take you. It starts in an hour anyways." Josh said finishing his breakfast and hopping up from his seat. Tyler followed him quickly as he tried to guess what it could be.

"Oh wow Josh." Tyler said looking up at the sign that said Warped Tour above them. "I can't believe you did this!"

"I knew you'd like it. Come on." Josh said tugging gently onto Tyler's hand as they both entered in through the gates.
It was loud and noisy and hot but Tyler didn't care. Josh had the brunette on his shoulders, gripping his legs as they sang along with the different songs.
As the sun set people handed out glow sticks and blacklight paint as different stages emitted black lights into the crowd. Josh's hair was glowing brighter than the neon paint on Tyler's face.

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