Chapter 22: The One In Red

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a/n: Wait to play

Tyler woke up and immediately felt a knot form in his stomach. Today was the day. The wedding.

His and Josh's wedding.

The thought still felt odd to him, getting married. He rolled over to find the bed empty, remembering that Josh suggested they do things as traditional as possible, which meant they wouldn't sleep in the same bed the night before. After all, Josh had said, I only plan on getting married once and I wanna do it right. Tyler blushed as he remembered that.

"Up Tyler come on!" Jenna said barging into his room along with Debby. They had brought over all their makeup supplies and their dresses to change into. "We have to start making you look presentable."

Tyler smiled as he got up and went to go take a shower. Going down the hallway he opened the bathroom door and saw a sticky note on the mirror.

See you at the alter, I'll be the one in red xoxo
Tyler giggled at the sticky note as he got into the shower.

"Hold still Tyler I'm trying to fix your hair." Jenna grumbled applying more gel to her hands. Tyler sighed as Debby went through his cologne's, sniffing each one until she found one that she considered good enough for the occasion. "Alright now, for the outfit."

Tyler would be lying if he said he wasn't giddy with excitement about his choice of wedding attire. It was simple, nothing fancy but that's how Tyler liked it. He slipped on a black button up shirt, rolling the sleeves to his elbows along with black dress pants and red socks. Tyler rolled up the cuffs of his pants slightly so you could see the color. He turned to see Jenna holding the sheer floral kimono he had bought, slipping it on slowly and twirling in the mirror.
Jenna and Debby squealed as they looked at him.

"You look so nice!" Jenna smiled and hugged him. Both Jenna and Debby were wearing bright red dresses that matched Josh's suit color. There was a knock at the door and Nick came in wearing a tuxedo with red socks and a red tie.

"Are you ready Tyler? Your parents are waiting downstairs. You should see all the lights your mom set up." Nick smiled as everyone began scrambling downstairs. Tyler and Josh had opted for a backyard wedding instead of a church. It was cheaper and they could decorate it however they wanted.
Kelly wiped some tears away from her eyes as she saw Tyler come down the stairs.

"Oh my word honey you look amazing!" Kelly smiled as she hugged him gently. Tyler's father was standing behind her and smiling at them before extending his arm.

"Ready?" He said as Tyler wrapped his arms around his father's. A sudden flutter of nervousness settled into Tyler's stomach as everyone lined up in their places, Kelly kissing Tyler's cheek before going to her seat outside.

"J-just don't let me fall dad." Tyler said gripping onto Chris's arm tighter.

"Wouldn't dream of it." Chris smiled as they heard the music start outside and the glass back doors opening revealing everyone standing up with their eyes on them.

Josh glanced up nervously as the music started playing and his heart began beating faster. He internally prayed he wouldn't vomit. Little did he know that his husband to be was whispering the same prayer. Debby and Jenna first came down the aisle followed by Nick and Madison, who littered the ground with red rose petals as she walked.
When Josh saw Tyler his heart stopped for a split second and he broke out into a smile, all his anxiety melting away.

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