The Confession

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When I got back to the bus neither Jeremy nor Taylor asked where I had been. They were consumed in their game of Scrabble. I decided I would just go ahead and go to bed. I had great dreams that night and woke up early feeling refreshed.

I got up, got dressed and headed out to get breakfast. There weren't many people awake yet, just the roadies setting up. This early in the morning it was like walking around a deserted city.

At 10 I went to see when all the bands were playing. Paramore was playing main stage at 7 and Tonight Alive was playing at 5. Then we each had acoustic sets. My heart sunk when I saw that we had ours at 5, I wasn't going to be able to go see Jenna perform again.

I figured by now she might be up so I walked down the line of buses searching for the TA bus. It was half way down the lot. I knocked lightly on the door. No one opened it and I heard no noise from inside. I knocked a little harder this time, still nothing. I started walking away.

"Hayley?" shouted someone from behind me. It was a male voice, obviously not Jenna.

I turned around. It was Matt. The drummer was standing on the bottom step of the bus in only his boxer shorts.

"Are you looking for Jenna?"

"Yeah, is she awake yet?"

"She is awake, but she isn't here. She went off for a walk. If want you can hang out here till she gets back. Me and Cam were going to play Uno, do you want to join?"


I walked back to the bus. Cam was sitting at the table, he too was shirtless, I guess that was a trend for them. In front of him was a deck of cards. I sat down and he dealt out them out. Three games later the door to the bus opened and in came Jenna.

"I'm back guys" she said before looking towards us " Oh, Hayley" she paused, she obviously wasn't expecting to find me there,she smiled "this is a pleasant surprise." Then she saw the half-naked boys and blushed "Sorry, the guys have a hard time keeping their clothes on."

"It's OK. It's nice to have some lied back men around. Sometimes I feel like the messy one with Taylor and Jeremy."

"They can definitely be messy. You wanna get outta here and do something?"

"Nah, I'm fine here. Unless you wanna go somewhere."

"Well, why don't we go to the back so we can have a little more privacy."

"OK. Sorry guys, I guess I have to forfeit, you don't get to lose to me again."

I followed Jenna past the bunks in to the back. We sat on the bench that took up the whole back wall.I sat with my back leaned against the left wall my feet curled beside me, she sat on the right with her knees in front of her and her arms wrapped around them. She seemed so perfect, it was good thing her teeth were just a little bigger than average or she would be too perfect and a person's beauty always comes from their imperfections, that's why I would never get rid of the gap between my front two teeth.

"I really hope I didn't cross a line last night. I got so caught up in the moment." She said in her sexy Australian accent.

"No, not at all. I couldn't have thought of a better end to the night."

"Good. I was scared I might have ruined our possible friendship."

"Friendship? Is that all you want? Cause I was hoping it would be more than that."

"Oh, you mean you'd actually date me?

"Hell yeah. You're the most beautiful person I've ever met, not just physically, but you're also such a caring, kind, good-hearted person. You stole my heart from the first moment I saw you.

"Wow, I...I don't know what to say. I feel the same way, but about you not me, haha." her voice was a bit shaky and it looked liked she was about to cry.

I scooted over closer to her and rested my head on her knees. It wasn't the most comfortable, but it was worth it to be close to her. She ran her fingers through my hair, sending chills down my spine.

"How many days are you going to be on Warped?"

"Four." My heart sunk as I said it, I didn't want to go so soon.

"Are we going to see each other after?"

"I really hope so."

A Fiery Red Summer (Jenna Mcdougall and Hayley Williams)Where stories live. Discover now