The Confrontation 2.0

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On my way home I was thinking about how I would ask Hayley if she had cheated on me. I didn't want to make it seem like I didn't trust her. I wasn't even sure I wanted to ask at all, but I had promised Tay I would. I was a little worried too. It would break me if she had, but she would never... right?

All the thinking was making me doubt myself, I couldn't keep up the optimism and I found myself filling with despair. "Shit, shit, shit. How the fuck could she? Wait, we don't know it's true, you are over reacting, but what if it is?" I said to myself while banging my hands on the steering wheel of the car.

The closer I got to the house the more I panicked. I was a total wreck as I pulled in to the driveway. I sat there staring at the front door, trying to remember to breath and think rationally. I got out of the car and closed the door with shaking hands. I hesitated before opening the front door. This could be the moment before I lost one of the most important people in my life forever.

Hayley was in the kitchen with her back to the entry way, facing the sink, washing the dishes. I took a deep breath, I guess she heard because she turned around towards me and smiled.

"Morning sweety. Where were you this morning?" she asked me nonchalantly.

"I was over at Tay's." I replied, my voice shaking just as much as my hands.

"Are you alright?" she said, her calmness turned to concern. She put down the plate she had been cleaning, dried her hands and came over to where I was standing.

"Umm..." I swallowed and let out a long breath before speaking "Tay said she saw you and Jamie together; are you cheating on me or did you?"

She was taken aback by the accusation, but she did not appear to feel guilty or offended. "No. I would never. I promise."

"Please, if you really love me don't lead me on and cause me more pain in the long run. Answer honestly. Just tell me if anything happened." I looked pleadingly into her eyes.

She seemed wounded by my words. "I love you so much and I would never want to hurt you. I haven't cheated on you. You are my one and only. Trust me."

I smiled at her and gave her a hug. "I trust you completely. I'm sorry for accusing you of such a thing. I just had to be sure."

She looked at me lovingly for a second "I know. Don't worry. Let's just put this behind us." Then she kissed me. There was no tension or sign of resentment between us.

I was relieved to have gotten that out of the way. I called Tay to tell her the good news. She still seemed skeptical, she had a history of being cheated on, it was probably hard for her, but she quickly let it go.

She also had some exciting news, WATIC and Tonight Alive were going to be touring together with Good Charlotte in January. I was so happy I'd be able to have my best friend with me on tour, I was bummed I would have to be away from Hayley for another 2 months, but it was inevitable, just part of the job. At least I was going to be here with her for Christmas.

Christmas! It was only a couple weeks away! I had completely forgotten about it. It was going to be the first time I had been away from my family for the holiday. I was also going to have my first cold Christmas. It was going to be interesting.

A Fiery Red Summer (Jenna Mcdougall and Hayley Williams)Where stories live. Discover now