The Last Day (Part 1)

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I woke up, my head was laying on Jenna's chest. She was still sound asleep. I propped myself up next to her. She looked at peace as she slept, hopefully she was having a good dream. Today was the last day I was going to be on Warped, which meant it was my last day with Jenna. I wanted to stay there by her side, but I had other things to do. I grabbed my clothes from the corner of the bunk, got down quietly and left the bus.

The fresh morning air filled my lungs and gave me a bit of energy. I walked towards my bus, the dew on the grass soaked through my shoes. Today was going to be busy, the first thing I had to do was go talk to the boys.


I opened my eyes and found myself alone in my bunk. It was about 10:30. The rest of the band were in the back playing video games and occasionally yelling profanities at the T.V. or at each other (in a 'friendly' way). I went to the fridge got out the milk and poured myself a bowl of cereal.

I sat alone at the table thinking of the last few days I had spent with the lovely red headed girl that had stolen my heart. Then I realized I had slept all morning and hadn't gotten the stuff I needed for that night. I was planning a special evening since it was the last one we had together. I was going to sneek off to a nearby meadow and have a picnic there. The only problem was the only food on the bus was cereal and crackers, not even stuff to make sandwiches. Even worse was the fact that the grounds were in the middle of nowhere and it would be impossible to get to a grocery store. Well there was one person I could ask for help.

I headed to Kevin Lyman's office. I felt bad coming to ask him for such a petty favor, being responsible for the Tour had to be hard work and he was probably busy enough. I knocked on the door. Hayley opened the door. She smiled when she saw me.

"I was just leaving." she said giving me a peck on the cheek as she walked by.

The discussion with Kevin was quick and reasonable. He kindly accepted to help me and said he would try and find someone who could at least get some sandwiches for that evening. I thanked him and left. On my way back I passed the Paramore bus, I figured I had time to stop by.

I knocked on the door. I was greeted by Taylor.

"Looking for Hayley?" he asked me

"Yeah. Is she here?"

"She is. Come on in" he said cheerfully.

He seemed like the kind of person you would want to be around when you had a bad day.


Hayley ran over and wrapped her arms tightly around me.

"I have something special planned for tonight." I whispered in her ear.

"Is it gonna be like last night?" she whispered back.

"Maybe afterwards."

"I'm looking forward to it. Wanna come hang in the back?"

"I need to go see the TA schedule."

"I already looked. You have a signing at 2, right before ours and then your acoustic set is at 4.30 and your show is at 6.15. Our schedules don't overlap so we can hang out until we get tired of each other."

"Wow, I'm glad you're not a stalker. So what are we going to do for the morning?"

"There's barely any morning left. It's 11, gates are opening in a half hour. Why don't you let me beat you a few times at Mario Kart and then we can go hear some bands?"

"You beat me? I think you are mistaken miss Williams, for it shall be I that wins and you will eat my dust."

"It's on!"

We went to the back of the bus and started up the game. I played as Baby Mario and she played as Daisy. She was quite good, she beat me several times on the normal maps, but I beat her on Rainbow Road so I considered myself the true winner.

At 12:15 we headed towards the stages. The amphitheatre stages were usually the easiest to get back stage so we went there. Courage My Love was going on stage to play, the small crowd that had formed in front of the stage reminded me of our first shows on Warped, very few people knew about the band, but once they heard the music they were hooked.

The next band on was Icon For Hire, we got to talk to them for a bit before they went on, they were really nice people, but I think Hayley was jealous she didn't have the brightest hair compared to the lead singer. Once they started playing Hayley started liking them more, with their good beat, good message and good stage presence it was hard not to like them.

At 1:15 I figured it was better that I start getting ready for the signing. Hayley and I went back to the TA bus were the boys were also getting ready. I guess they had spent the morning walking around in their boxers like they often do. Once everyone was dressed, had brushed their hair or hidden their bed head under a hat and slipped on their shoes we headed out.

A Fiery Red Summer (Jenna Mcdougall and Hayley Williams)Where stories live. Discover now