The Kiss

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The cool evening air allowed us to put on hoodies in an attempt to not get trapped in a sea of fans (don't get me wrong, I love the fans, but me and Hayley were trying to have a little privacy). Hayley had put on a black one with pink hearts on it. It was much cuter than the one I had on, which was actually Cam's, it was just a plain gray.

After leaving the main stage we headed towards the food vendors. We walked at a rather quick pace and didn't talk much, but we walked close to each other, our arms would occasionally brush. My stomach seemed like it was eating itself from the inside, I was starving and nervous, I couldn't believe I was hanging out with Hayley Williams.

Once we reached the 'food court' it took a while to find the stand with pizza. We were stopped several times by fans asking for photos and autographs. We had to stop at a few stalls to check if they had pizza. Finally we found the right one. It had hamburgers, hot dogs, salads, chips and PIZZA. We got our gooey, greasy, cheesy, thick crusted pizza and headed back towards the buses.

When we entered the parking lot I thought it would help make the situation not so awkward if there were 3 of us.

"Hayley, do mind if I invite Tay from We Are the In Crowd to come eat with us?"

"Sure, that'd be great. She's been at a few shows we've played, but I've never met her."

We headed to the WATIC bus. I knocked on the metal door. No one answered. I tried again. Still no answer.

"Damn Tay, where are you?" I murmured under my breath.

I turned to Hayley "Wait here one sec. I'm going to go make sure no ones in there."

"You're just walking in to their bus?"

"Yeah, she does it to us all the time."

I opened the door and walked in "TAY! Are you here? TAY!"

"Jenna! Where have you been all day? I figured after your set you would come by and at least say hello."

"Sorry hun, I was out with someone. That's why I'm here. Would you come eat dinner with us? I want to keep the awkward silences to a minimum."

"Us? Who's 'us'?"

"Hayley Williams and I. She came and watched our show today and then I went and watched hers and now we have pizza. I think I really like her, Tay."

"OOO, Jenna has a crush! I want to see this. I'll definitely tag along."

Tay and I went outside. Hayley was leaning against the bus with her arms crossed. I hoped she wasn't mad that I had left her there by herself.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting, Taylor had dosed off."

"No problem. Hi Taylor, nice to meet you." Hayley said shaking hands with Tay

"Call me Tay. Do you guys want to come in and eat on the bus? The guys won't be back until late tonight, especially Jordan. He didn't wake up until 3 when we had to go do sound check."

"I was actually thinking it would be nice to find a nice grassy area and eat out side." I said

"We're in the middle of a big asphalt parking lot, there aren't many grassy areas around here" Tay replied

"I'm fine with anything" Hayley added

"Alright, we'll eat in the bus" I gave in.

We sat around the small table located in the "kitchen", which really was just a mini fridge and a cabinet with a wood counter.

"So Hayley, how many times have you been on warped?"

"We've done at least a few shows almost every Warped since 2005."

"Wow, that's awesome. Three years more than us. Quite a few more than Jenna here. How does it feel to be the newbie?"

"Newbie? This is my third time here! I've learned how to deal."

The conversation continued. Tay enjoyed poking fun at me and a few times I think she was even trying to hint at my crush on Hayley, maybe I was just being paranoid. I tried to keep up with the conversation, but I found myself staring at the perfect details of Hayley's face on more than one occasion.

By the time we left the WATIC bus it was dark out. I offered to walk Hayley back to her bus, but she told me not to worry, I didn't need to walk all the way to her bus and then back. So we walked together to my bus. We were close and as we walked our hands managed to entangle themselves. I pretended not to notice, but inside I was screaming with joy.

We got to my bus. I was quite sad. I didn't want her to go. We were now facing each other and both our hands were entwined. I looked up into her eyes, they were so beautiful, I smiled and she smiled back. We stood there for a minute or two in silence then Hayley finally spoke.

H: "I had a great day today. I'm really glad I went to see your show this afternoon and I'm glad you came to see mine."

J: "They say Warped is the best day ever, today I'd have to agree with them." I said knowing that the day was soon to end.

H: "I better be going, the boys are probably wondering where I ran off to after the show."

J: "Are you still going to be here tomorrow?"

H: "Yeah, we have several more shows."

J: "Maybe we can meet up tomorrow."

H: "I'd like that."

J: "I guess we have to say goodnight now."

H: "At least it's not goodbye."

I started heading towards the bus, when I turned around she was still standing there, she slowly turned around and started walking off. My heart raced, my mind shut off and my feet were at the whim of my emotions.

"Hayley wait!" I screamed while running towards her.

She turned around and our lips met, at first lightly, I didn't want to overstep the boundaries, then Hayley pulled herself closer to me and returned the kiss passionately. I think my heart skipped a few beats, I may have even gone to heaven or was I dreaming? This was too good to be true. Her soft lips just felt so right and her delicate arms wrapped around my neck sent a shiver down my spine. I wanted to stay in this moment forever.

A Fiery Red Summer (Jenna Mcdougall and Hayley Williams)Where stories live. Discover now