The Fight

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I had heard everything that the two had said the night before. It did worry me a bit that there was a history between Jenna and Tay, it also worried me that she wouldn't deny any feelings towards Tay, but she had clearly stated that she wanted to be with me so I tried not to over think it and cause more trouble. At least Jenna hadn't pushed me away afterwards, she had let me comfort her, which to me meant she didn't feel guilty about the relationship with Tay and truly wanted to stay close to me.

Jenna was quite mopey in the morning. She had slept bad, I heard her crying and whimpering quite a few times during the night. I gave her space to shake off the previous nights fight. We didn't talk at all in the morning.

Around lunch I went to talk with her band mates. They all knew about her and Tay; I figured they might know what to say to her. Unfortunately before they could talk to her the trouble maker showed back up to finish what she had started. The two of them were outside screaming at each other. I tried my best not to listen, at one point I even put in my ear buds. I could see how much Tay was hurting Jenna, it hurt me too to see her so helpless. The fight continued for at least a half hour before I decided to go try and break it up.

H:"Hey, leave Jenna alone. She already told you last night that you two are through."

T:"Oh, look who's talking. Why do you think you have any right to talk about it. I bet you didn't even know about us before last night. I'm sure Jenna was to chicken to tell you."

H:"No, I didn't know, but I have every right to stand up for some one I care for. Why do you think you have the right to try and come in between us?"

T:"Because I know she still has feelings for me, I was the one that broke up with her and she begged me for months afterwards to take her back."

J:"Did it ever occur to you that maybe I finally decided to move on? That maybe I realized that I could do better than you?"

T:"Better than me? You think this slutty pop princess is better than me?"

H:"Slutty pop princess? Is that supposed to be an insult? 1. What is bad about being a 'slut'? 2. Are you jealous that more people like my music than yours?"

Tay finally got fed up and stormed off again.

"Real mature hun!" I yelled at her.

She turned back and flipped me off.

Jenna went to her bus and I went to mine. I closed my self in my bunk, separating myself from the drama and drowning it out with music from my headphones. I actually forgot for a bit about everything, I even managed to fall asleep.

I was woken up a couple hours later by Taylor. He had come to tell me that Tonight Alive was going on in a few minutes, he figured I wouldn't want to miss the show. He was right. I'm sure Jenna was pretty worried that I was angry at her too. I got up and pulled my hair back in a ponytail, got dressed in a more presentable outfit than the sweatpants and old T-shirt I had on and ran to make it on time.

I made it right as they were going on stage, but I managed to get Jenna's attention and gave her an encouraging thumbs up, she smiled back. I think that her performance of Revenge & It's Thrills and Lonely Girl were the particularly fierce and emotion packed. She obviously knew how to channel her feelings in to the music. The crowd reacted well, there were plenty of mosh pits fueled by her energy.

Even after her rage on stage she greeted me with a hug and a smile when she was done. She seemed to be in a bit of a better mood. It was a relief. We walked together, her arm over my shoulder and my arm around her waist, to the main stage where I had to perform. Taylor and Jeremy were already there waiting for me. Both of them seemed happy to see Jenna with me, I guess they had heard all the drama too, I'm sure all of the bands had heard it. Today's song of the day was Ain't It Fun, I needed a good fun song to be able to dance around to after the stressful morning. Jenna even came out and danced with me and sang along to a few songs.

After the show we headed to the cafeteria. There weren't many people there so it was even kind of quiet, a rare treat. Today they were serving pasta with tomato sauce, can't go wrong with that. Jenna and I took a plate and sat at one of the deserted tables. We didn't speak while we ate, we were both enjoying the peace of the moment. When she was done eating Jenna looked at me with the sweetest smile, it was contagious I couldn't help but smile back.

"Hayley, I love you." she said her voice tender and loving.

A Fiery Red Summer (Jenna Mcdougall and Hayley Williams)Where stories live. Discover now