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One of the worst parts of touring is how much it effects relationships. It is a ton of fun getting to see all of our fans and hear them sing along to the songs we worked so hard to write and record, but it constantly forces us to leave our loved ones for months. It can be hard not only because of the lack of communication and physical contact, but also because of trust issues, it is difficult never knowing what your partner is doing while you are away. It had caused more than a couple of breakups for me. Luckily Jamie was used to the distance, since she had to travel for art galleries.

The day I got home she texted me to invite me over for dinner. I was happy I wasn't going to have to find food for myself, I was too tired and too lazy. I figured it was better that I showered and made myself a little more presentable; being stuck on a tour bus does not make you look like a supermodel or smell like flowers.

I headed over to her house at 7. Just as I was pulling into the drive way of her house I got a text from Jenna. "That's strange she was supposed to be on a plane home right now" I thought.

She had written me to tell me she wasn't going to be back for a while because she had lost her passport. She wanted me to hang out with Hayley so she wasn't alone anymore and if I was feeling really generous help her unpack.

Jamie was waving at me from the front door, probably wondering why I was just sitting in my car. I got out and greeted the lovely lady. we had a lot to talk about, it took us ages to finish eating since we had another story to tell after every bite. At the end of the night I asked her if she would mind coming with me to help Hayley move all her stuff into the house, I wasn't sure what would happen between her and I without Jenna there to keep us tame. 

The next day I called Hayley, she told me she was fine doing everything by herself, but I insisted (even though I didn't really want to I knew I owed it to Jenna). She told me if I really wanted to then we could come that afternoon.

I picked Jamie up around 3 and we went over to the house. Hayley seemed like she had been working hard all day, she had on a pink tank top, black running shorts, her hair was pulled back in a pony-tail and her bangs were stuck to her forehead with sweat. She had probably been trying to lift furniture that was too heavy for one person.

"Hi guys. I really appreciate you coming, but I can handle it. I didn't think you would actually show up." she said when she opened the door.

"I already told Jenna I would help you. I'm sure there are somethings we can help you with. Putting dishes away, cleaning dust off things or lifting furniture."

"Well, I guess you could help me get the sofa to the living room; I've been trying to find a way to drag it there all morning."

With three people it took very little effort to move the small two person sofa. Hayley was still reluctant to ask us to do anything, but whenever I asked she would tell us simple tasks that we could do like wiping the tables clean, putting towels in the bathroom closet and putting books on the shelves.

At a certain point I noticed that neither Jaime, nor Hayley were around, I figured they had gone to get boxes or Hayley needed help moving something, but they were gone for far longer than any of that would have taken. I called out their names, but no one responded. I decided to go look for them, make sure everything was okay. As I headed to the back of the house they popped out of the bedroom.

"Hey, what were you doing, I yelled for you, but no one answered." I said, surprised and suspicious

"Oh, sorry. We didn't hear. These walls must be thicker than they look. I was helping her put the mattress and sheets on her bed, she's been sleeping in a sleeping bag!" Jamie replied, her voice sounded sincere, but there was something about the way she was looking at me that made me not believe her, was it guilt or shame?

A Fiery Red Summer (Jenna Mcdougall and Hayley Williams)Where stories live. Discover now