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"harry get down here!"

his mother called for him. harry was at the top of a tree inside his room. there was this small snow cloud over his head while he drank some limonade. pretty weird huh? he ignored his mother completely.

there was no way in hell he was going to have dinner with the tomlinson's.

"harry edward styles if you don't--"

harry groaned, making the tree go down and the cloud dissapear. he took one last drink of his lemonade before placing it down. his mother smiled walking over to the boy's closet and taking out some nice clothes.

"here, wear this. it's pretty and so charming."

"mum i don't wanna go! louis was mean to me yesterday! and today i dropped a ball of soup on him."

"oh don't be so dramatic! it's friday, you won't see him saturday and sunday. besides, you're going to the mountains for some emotion training so you'll defenitely won't be seeing him." she then gasps. "you, the prince, dropped soup on him? was it vegetable soup?"

"chicken soup."

"oh my god my son is a monster!"

harry was so confused but decided to ignore it. his mother seemed to not get the sign that she had to leave for him to change so he just created this huge root wall around and changed quickly.

he then let the roots down and nodded at his mum who had her arms wrapped around herself. harry's room was always colder, for the reason that he freezed it up most of the time. it also had a bunch of plants growing around. on the poles of harry's bed, there was a root with bunch of pretty flowers and leafs growing as well.

though, the room was still beautiful because harry took care of it.

 they made their way down the big stares. the tomlinsons were already here. harry made sure to close his door. since, of course, nobody can enter but the maids and his family. well gemma would never enter.

as they finally made it to the first floor, harry noticed gemma wearing a beautiful dress. all the girl's in the tomlinsons as well. gemma was talking to lottie. harry sighed heavily, then noticing louis, who was already staring at him.

harry looked down at his hands with embarrassement. he was blushing, but regardless had to say his hello. he shook each of the man's hand, having a firm grip on louis' and then kissed all the ladys hand.

it was time for the food and everyone ate quietly. harry was kind of trying not to shake because louis had sat down next to him. the blue eyed boy ate his salad and stared at harry for some moments, then going back salad.

harry ate his own as well. he then took a sip of his drink. he was so nervous that as soon as his mouth made contact with the cup, the water froze. he looked around quickly, nobody had noticed him. 

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