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let's talk about the shoes, plz?

the next picture represents the entrance to the palace. basically, it's a long walk to get until the house so if the paparazzi tries to get the royal family they can't. i just really wanted to explain that :)

 i just really wanted to explain that :)

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WARNING!!: harry styles + half bun

remember in this fic harry has NO TATTOOS. also, phoebe and daisy are younger. OH ! anf get ready for some jealous harry ;)

not edited

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"honey, are you sure you want to go?"

harry sighd for the fifth time. he smiled to his mum and nodded his head, choosing some nice boots to go with his outfit. they were perfect for his pastel pink, silk button up. he took his phone and got it inside his back pocket of the black and tight skinny jeans he was wearing.

"alright but i want you home before midnight, okay?"

"yes mum."

harry smiled to himself on the mirror. anne watched him from behind, a frown on her face. she saw how harry smiled to himself, a genuine smile that she hadn't seen a while. so she let out a short smile on her own lips.

when harry was called downstairs the boy squealed and skipped his way to the door way. "harry!" anne called for him before he left the room. "be careful, yeah?" harry hugged her and ran out of the room, only to be stopped by gemma as well.

"h, wait up!" harry stopped right on his tracks. it had been years since gemma called him h. harry turned around and expected for her to say something. she frowned, took a deep breath and wrapped her arms around harry. "have fun, bub."

harry hugged her back and nodded his head. when he let go and walked down the stairs, gemma smiled to herself, feeling quite proud.

harry noticed lou talking to louis. harry waved once he was close enough. louis' smile became wider. lou turned around and gasped. she pushed harry out the door and told him to have fun, whispering that he looked beautiful.

"hi lou." harry greeted once they were outside, alone.

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