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anyway, nick jonas (jonas brothers era) will be in this fic just bc i once read a fic of harry and nick and i just- AAAHHH ! let's go :)

"harry. harry. harry. harry!"

"nooo shh lou. you'll like it very much."

harry said- or at least tried to. his drunk state made his words come out as weird sounds. louis had to double think everything he was saying to even understand. but whatever, that's not what is important right now.

harry is trying to pull down louis' pants.

louis tried to take the boy's gloved hands and make him stop. harry was pouting and continously moving his hands away and taking a hold of louis' zipper. 

"harry stop. you're drunk and-"

"blah blah blah. you're drunk so keep quiet, dummy!"

the boy giggled and moved his face closer to louis', licking his lips. louis was so close to giving in but nope, then harry tried to take a hold of his zipper again.

"oh come on lou!"

"harry styles i said no!"

"well aren't you the daddy kind."

louis could feel his cheeks turn red. he quickly stood up and pushed harry onto the bed. harry tried standing up and louis would push him back down. harry kept complaining for a kiss but louis knew it was unreal to have the prince asking for a kiss. he's obviously drunk and not thinking correctly.

"if you go to sleep i'll kiss you when you wake up!"


and just like that harry fell asleep. yes, it was that easy. louis let out a small chuckle. he was ready to wallk out but with one last glance at the prince he knew he couldn't. harry was still in his tight jeans and wearing those gloves.

"damn you louis."

he cursed to himself as he walked over to the boy. first, he took off harry's jeans. obviously, (trying) not to look at his bottoms or perfect bum. louis covered him with the sheets, then going straight for the gloves-



louis turned around. niall was there, hand on the door knob. he walked over to louis, pushing him to the side and covering harry completely. his face was red as he let out deep breaths. it seemed as if he had been running.

"let him sleep. don't touch his gloves."

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