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sorry i haven't updated in so long. i've been busy with a new fic and school but mostly the new fic and a bit of one shots bahaha.

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it's been a month and louis is still acting a tad bit weird.

harry has been trying to get louis to tell him what is it that has him so bothered but louis would always change the subject or act as if he never heard harry asking. harry tried not think much about it since louis said it was a mum and son thing but it still kind of bugged him.

at first he was scared louis might be cheating but harry had a long night of thoughts and remembered louis would never do such thing. he has known louis for a long time and he would never do that. gemma also said so since, of them both, she kind of grew up with the blue eyed boy.

regardless, harry is his boyfriend. harry thinks he's being a hypocrite because he wants louis to tell him his problem but harry was never able to tell him why he always cried and why the reason he is so stressed is.

it is a monday morning and harry has a whole month school free, okay? a whole fucking month! the thing is, harry is kind of upset because the school didn't give him this vacation. it was his mother who requested it because harry needs to get ready for the ball.

today he is going to be trying on exactly fifty four outfits. gemma says she had to try about a hundred last year. the worst thing is harry had already chosen an outfit but his mother said it was kind of immature for this year's ball.

the teenage boy is laying down like a star on his bed, face first and letting out angry and annoyed huffs into his big and fluffy pillow. a knock was heard on the door and harry didn't move at all, just moved his head up and yelled:

"go away! i'll go try on the things in a bit!"

"prince harry, there's someone here that is willing to help you!" harry heard louise call from outside the door. harry didn't answer. he just huffed loudly into his pillow. he honestly wasn't in the mood for his mum to come barging in and being all like "honey it's clothing time, yay!" because it isn't yay!

harry heard the door being opened. he was about to get up and tell whoever it was to get the hell out of his room (even though he obviously wouldn't use that kind of language because no matter how pissed he is, he is still a prince and respects everyone).

"hey, babe."

harry literally jumped off the bed. a big smile appeared on his face. "louis!" he yelled and ran to his boyfriend, tackling him in a hug. "what are you doing here?! aren't you supposed to be in school? I mean, I don't mind that you're here, I just hope you're not skipping class because of me."

"of course not, silly." louis shook his head and leaned forward to kiss harry on the lips. "I got a free week from school. it's all thanks to your mum, actually."

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