Chapter 1: Gettin' Swanky

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Hey I'm My! I hope you'll enjoy this story. I've put so many hours into it and I'm actually really proud of it, because to me, these characters feel real. I figured someone should write about an Asian lead, and since I can actually speak Vietnamese, why not?

Okay so I was going back to give my stories a cast, but for the love of god there are no teen Vietnamese actresses in the US and I'm dyingggg scrolling through google images. So I'm just going to base my character Tammy on a weird hybrid between my two teenage nieces (they're only like 5 years younger than me and they're cute af okay), Vivi and Cindy. 

Let's go with long straight STRAIGHT dark brown hair, button nose, big eyes, well shaped eyebrows (no filling), well defined lips and rounder face with a nice jaw. Athletic figure (but they love food af) and generally always in shorts or jeans.

Also I know Ryan Potter isn't Viet, but he's so cute. He deserves to be the beloved Vinh.

Remember to comment and vote! 


*Trigger Warning* : this story has scenes relating to rape and sexual assault. Please be cautious as you continue through. 



"Bye, Mom. Love you," I say routinely as I kiss her cheek and jump off the passenger's side of the minivan. I don't wait for an answer, because it's usually a very silent "mmm" before she drives off. I pull out my phone to check the time.

Damn it. 7:40 a.m. I really shouldn't have had that bowl of rice and eggs my mom tempted me with.

Usually, I would rush for my mom to get me to school just a bit earlier, to avoid some people. I had been really good about this until now. Ugh. I conk myself on the head in irritation.

As I approach my locker, I could hear familiar giggles behind me. Okay, so I could either remain walking at the center of the hall, or I can walk more towards the side near where the lockers are lined up against the walls. If I stay in the center and what I predict will happen happens, my books that sit in my arms could drop and then I'd have to go through the hassle of picking them up. If I move towards the side, I might get hurt by clashing into the lockers, but at least my books will be safe.

I decide to move to the right a bit as I slowly walk down the hallway.

Almost on cue, I get a heavy shove from behind me and my shoulder takes a hard hit on the lockers, one of the locks probably leaving a circular bruise on my right arm. I wince at the throbbing pain.

God damn it! I wore a tank top today! Now I can't take off my jacket all day, even in California's weird "it's still summer, bitch" autumn weather.

"Better watch where you're going, fat cünt," Karen sneered as she and Wendy walk away, arms locked. I continue to walk, almost limping because I think my hip took some of the hit, too. Glaring at them, I start trying to cheer myself up with the funny thought of how silly they looked with their arms locked.

Karen was shorter than the smallest freshman here (the jocks verified it) and Wendy was almost a foot taller. When together, their silhouette looks like a mother holding hands with her annoying daughter. I'm not mean, they just chose to hate on me since they started being Natasha's minions.

Natasha was my childhood friend who I chose to stop being friends with because I decided she was a bad influence and a terrible distraction from school. At least that was what I told her. But that's something to talk about at another time. Anyway, instead of doing the mature thing and moving on to make better, more popular friends and forget about me, she decided to gain brainless minion friends who worshipped her every action and torment me daily.

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