Chapter 3: Natural Disasters

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I didn't think about how visible my bruises were when I took off my jacket earlier to air dry my neck. Luckily, he only noticed the most recent one, the one I had gotten this morning thanks to Karen's bitch shove. I sigh in relief as I tug on both sides of the collar of my jacket and head for the door.

Damon had just texted me a moment ago, offering a ride. I figured, might as well, since I couldn't find an excuse good enough to stop talking to Silas.

I talked to Silas Cravens.

And I liked it.

This was probably the first time he's ever really seen me. Great. Now he'll only be familiar with Drunk Tammy.

I knew from today that I share at least half my classes with him and I'm sure he's going to expect me to return any greetings he sends my way. That's not how I am at school.

I know people and they know me, but as far as socialization goes, people know I prefer to be left alone unless they are Vinh. Speaking of which, where is he?

I head down the stairs that hosts a stream of couples making out. I recognize a few people. Hmm... that doesn't look like your boyfriend, Gwen. And that guy doesn't look like Gwen, Mark.

Huh. Maybe they broke up.

Getting down these stairs is an ordeal for me, especially when I'm a few shots in, but by the time I reach ground level, I look over to the living room to find Vinh grinning at me while snuggling up with a handsome fella. "I'm going home" I mouth at him. He nods his head and goes back to talking with his boy toy.

I smile to myself and as I turn around, I see Damon several feet away, checking his phone. I start to approach him when I am hit with a shockingly cold shower.

My vision is blurry and my muscles tense as I look up to see Natasha holding a bucket of melted ice from the second floor railing. I glare at her, unable to speak with my teeth chattering from the cold.

With everyone pointing and laughing, I am overwhelmed with a dizzying disorientation that drives my dead mind into dreary blankness. I look up to Natasha again and she laughs, but more noticeable, Silas has joined the crowd. He stood there with an expressionless face, only a twitching brow.

Damon rushes over, angry and concerned, and takes off his massive jacket to blanket me in his scent and warmth. He leans down and whispers in my ear, "I got you. Don't let them get to you. They're not worth it."

His cheek was touching mine and I could feel the heat radiating from his face, which is probably flush from anger. It felt comforting to have him by my side in a moment like this. He wraps his arms around me as he leads me out the front door with him.

I don't look up. I don't want to see any of their faces anymore.

Outside, I finally found the strength to sigh.

"Tam, are you okay? I heard a lot of sounds and then-" Vinh explains, but I'm just tired. Tired enough to sleep forever.

"Vinny, it's okay," I try to calm him, though my voice was quivering, "I'm okay. I have Damon to take me home. Go back in there with Jeremy! He looks like he really likes you."

He blushes, but there was still worry in his eyes. "Are you sure?"

"Yes!" I push him inside. "Go get him!"

He stares at me for a moment, but knowing him, I give him a wide grin, which took all my energy to offer. He smiles back, still a bit sad, and walks back inside.

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