Chapter 29: Love & Drugs

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He stands there, eyes hooded, staring at me as he waits for me to say something, anything. Sitting at the edge of my bed, I rest my palms on my sheets, tightening my grip whenever I felt my hands get too sweaty, which was more often than I would have liked.

I cross my ankles and catch his eyes on my legs, which are bare from my super short pajama shorts. I did not think my outfit through. I am wearing a pink pair of shorts and a blue cami tank top. I've taken off my necklace in the time that it took for him to get here, thinking that it'd be best to store that memory of Damon away if I had made my decision.

"You called me Kent," he states with a hint of hope in his eyes, "on the phone. Why did you call me that?"

"Should I not call you that?" I don't mean to sound cold, but I'm not even sure what I should do right now. Do I run to him or should I reevaluate the situation?

I've been in difficult situations before and my head has always gotten me out of them. But this... feels different. Like a war has started inside of me and no matter what one side decides, the other counters with stronger power, though highly irrational. How do I disagree with my heart?

"No," he says shyly as he sits down and stares at our toes, which touch only slightly. He sighs, "I just don't want to get my hopes up."

I open the drawer of my bedside table and pick up the small flash drive. I toss it over to him and he catches it with his eyes wide. He studies it, and after seeing the label in the back, his eyes meet mine.

"Did you know? About Pam? About that night?" I could feel the strain on my voice as I try to overcome my own indignation.


"Why didn't you say anything?" I choke on a sob that escapes my throat and I suddenly feel two streams tracing down my face.

He gets up and sits beside me, taking my hand, which had rested lifelessly on my lap. I can't help but feel comforted by the warmth of his palm as it rested on top of mine.

"It doesn't matter. I already hurt you."

I feel the anger hit my eyes as I glared at him. I pull my hand away and face him, ready to set things straight and let it all out. "But it wasn't you! It was Pam! And all this time I blamed you for something you clearly had no choice in and I-"

I become dizzy as I start to hyperventilate. The tears won't stop coming and I let him pull me into a warm embrace. I inhale his presence and suddenly, all is well in the world. I pull back to look at him again, only to find tears in his eyes. My heart melts for those warm chocolate eyes that I've missed so much. I lean in and brush my lips onto his for a moment, as if to test the waters.

But as soon as we get a taste of each other, it was basic instinct to cannonball. Our lips crash into each other and I grow bothered that I can't be closer to him. My fingers grip the hair on his back as he holds my face, fingers tangled in my tousled locks.

I push him onto his back as we continue moving our lips in a comfortable rhythm. He moves one of his hands from my hair to my hip, and as soon as I lower myself onto him, I could feel him hard, underneath me. My knees on either side of his hips, I press my chest against his, feeling his warmth radiate throughout my body until he wraps his arms around my waist to roll us over.

He's on top of me now, and we continue pulling each other closer, but we're never close enough. My hands reach around him and claw into his back, underneath his shirt.

"Lane," he grunts as he leaves trails of kisses along my neck.

I wrap my legs around his hips and pull him down closer to me until I can feel his hardness pressed against me. The mere thought of it sends shockwaves through my body as soft moans escape my lips. He presses his lips back onto mine and I feel my own chest rise and fall.

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