Chapter 30: Pam | Tam

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I feel my legs freeze in place as I stare straight ahead, at nothing in particular. I've rarely ever gone into the front office of any school I've ever gone to. I'm perfectly average: I don't get into trouble, and I'm not a great enough student to receive attention.

"Tam?" I feel Mr. Higgins tap my shoulder and I snap back to reality. "Please proceed to my office. I have to see what these students need."

I walk by Nat and Damon, into the overly bright office. It may be due to the blank walls that reflect the light in a harsher manner than one would expect.

"Hello, Natasha. How may I help you?" Higgins's voice sounds calm, but there is a hint of irritation to it. He must have been the one to have to deal with her drug bust.

"I called in earlier, about the drugs I saw Pam put in her locker," her voice sounds shaky, but I know her better than that. Judging by her smile earlier, this is a set up.

I peek out at their conversation.

"I'm sorry, but your call was false. We searched Tam's locker for drugs and found nothing."


"I beg your pardon?"

"On the phone I said 'Pam of Mrs. Francis's first period class'," Nat clarifies.

"We heard Tam. Are you talking about," he pulls up a list he had in his pocket, "Pamela? As in Pamela Watson?"

"Yes. Wait is that why you've got Tam in there? Poor girl, must be scared to death," Nat sympathizes with a tad bit too much drama.

"I'm sorry, Natasha, but after the incident with your locker, I'm not sure your words are to be trusted. It's already caused one student to face a humiliating situation, and I don't think I should add another to that list."

"That's why I'm here," Damon cuts in. "I saw it, too. Drugs in Pam's locker."

My jaw drops as I listen intently.

"Damon, are you absolutely certain?"

He nods with a serious look on his face. Natasha glances my way and sends me a wink. I don't try to contain the shock in my face.

"Alright, I will see to it," Higgins offers as he tilts his head into his office, "Tam, I'm so sorry, but there's been a misunderstanding. I'll see to it that your lock will be replaced. You are free to go."



I jog into the gates of school and slow it down to a walk as I reach the hallway, where all the lockers line the walls. I had been worried that I'd be late to see Lane. I purposely chose the side gate so that I could see her before running to my locker to get my book.

As I walk by her locker, I notice a broken lock on it. I pause my stride and stare at the lock which had obviously been cut by a bolt cutter.

I feel a hand run up my upper arm and turn to see Pam. I scowl at her red curls and her over the top blush she's applied to her porcelain cheeks.

"Hey, there. I've missed you." Her grin reveals a tiny bit of lipstick on her teeth.

"Did you do that?" I ask, pointing at Lane's locker.

"No," she denies as a slick smile crawls onto her face, "Not really."

"Ms. Pamela," Mr. Higgins approaches us. Behind him, I see Damon and Natasha, silently high fiving each other.

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