Chapter 34: Oh, Boy.

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"I don't want to hear it! If I'm gonna die, I'll die with dignity," Pam yells at group of men facing her. I take a step closer to her from behind, careful not to make any noise. I catch Damon's eye and I slightly shake my head, lifting my index finger onto my lips.

I watch as Pam's grip onto her gun tightens, making her hand shake quite a bit. She's uncertain of her own actions.

A horrible part of me hopes, she pulls the trigger before anyone can stop her, but the other part of me, the stupid part, wants to stop her and help her.

"This isn't dying with dignity, Pam," Silas says with alarmed eyes. He knows the amount of danger I am putting myself in.

"Too late," Pam whispers as she starts to pull the trigger. I charge toward her and twist the gun in her hand for it to aim upward. It fires at the ceiling and I feel my hands burning. She and I both let go of the gun and it falls on the floor, luckily not going off at us. Several policemen run toward her, holding her down on the surface of the kitchen island, and securing her in a pair of handcuffs, reading her rights.

I start to fall over, my knees giving out, but Silas catches me and holds me to his chest. I suddenly pull away, seeing his hurt expression. "Give me a second. Stay here."

He gives me a puzzled look as I walk back to the basement door and pull open the door. I take slow steps down to see the girls in their original positions, posing as if they were still tied up.

"Girls, it's me. Come on," I say and they each get up and follow me. Their eyes dart around, searching for any clue of danger from the lunatic. "She's taken care of. The police are here to help."

"How did the police know to come here?" Daisy asks quietly.

"I don't know how, but I had a friend looking for me," I tell them as we reach the kitchen, where several cops rush over to help each girl. I return to Silas's arms.

"I was scared shitless. You don't know how worried we all were," he says as he kisses the top of my head.

Damon walks over and gives me a questioning look, "Who are all these girls?"

"Pam took them and tied them up. Dressed them up like her favorite celebrities." I scowl at the thought. She's sick.

"What the f-" Damon curses, and I nod along.

"Well at least you're safe now," Silas breathes as he nuzzles against my neck.

"She said she didn't want to add me to her collection because she didn't like any Asian celebrities," I pout at Silas and at the corner of my eye, I see a look of disbelief on Damon's face.

"That rude bitch!" Silas jokes along, flamboyantly laying a flat hand on his hand in fake astonishment.

We laugh and hear Damon mutter, "You guys are so weird."


Once again, they needed my mom to come in and sign me out of the station. It made sense, and I'm glad she came in, but I know that all I've been through has caused her to miss work more than she would have liked.

By the time we get home, Silas was already there at the front door. My mom parks in the front lot and I turn to her to ask if she needs to go to work. "Mom cần phải đi làm hả?"

She has worried eyes and nods at me with guilt in her expression.

I smile and nod as I rest one hand on her arm, the other gesturing at Silas.

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