Chapter 20: Bitchzilla

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*Trigger Warning*: This chapter has mentions of rape, abuse, and sexual assault.


The next morning, as my mom drives me to school, she holds my hand nervously. She's implied that the action was for me to feel better, but in truth, it seemed to benefit her more. As I jump off the car, she gives me an anxious smile, and I return it with a reassuring one as I wave her off.

When I get to class, I find Silas standing outside of class waiting for me. He flashes me his dazzling smile and I melt.

Entering class as the bell rings, I notice Pam sitting in the seat she had been in yesterday, the one beside Silas's seat, which is behind mine. I start to approach my usual seat with a grimace, but I feel Silas's hand around my wrist, leading me to a seat on the other side of the class. I realize his plan as I sit down in my seat and stifle a laugh as I glance over to see Pam frowning. She takes out her textbook and slams it on the table.

I pull out a blank piece of lined paper and start a cartoon drawing of Lois Lane kissing Superman on the cheek, while he blushes. Next to it, I write "Thank you, my hero!"

I toss it over my shoulder and I hear him unfolding the paper. He chuckles lightly under his breath. I hear light scribbles under Mrs. Francis's lecture and finally receive a response as a note lands in the middle of my desk. "Only for you, Lane."

I smile to myself, trying to control my blushing cheeks by pressing my hands on them to absorb the heat. I have forgotten all about Pam. I don't care that she's in the same room as us. In this world, what matters is me and him. That's all there is to it.


"So Bitchzilla is back," Vinh tells me at lunch as he sits beside me on a bench, Scar behind him. I smile to her as she gives me a hug before sitting down on his other side.

"Who?" I ask between bites of my sandwich.

"Oh my god, you've been in la la land with your lover for too long," he rolls his eyes as he opens his microwave burrito.

"Natasha's back, Tammy!" Scar almost whispers as she glances around, on the lookout for Natasha herself.

I stop my chewing to stare at the both of them, unsure how I feel about this. I'm not exactly scared of her. In a way, I never was, until she started threatening my mom's job. Since yesterday, I had been trying to decide how mad I am at Natasha for paying Jeff to do that to me. I realize now that I can't be mad at a person I had long ago lost all expectations for.

There was no betrayal in her choices and actions thus far because there was never a promise against them. She and I haven't been friends for years, so anything despicable that she's done to me can't hurt me too much on the inside. With regards to her and her actions, I was numb and I might always be.

"So," Vinh urges for a response on my part, "Are we going to come up with a protection plan or are you going to leave your mouth hanging until your food falls out?" He reaches over to push my chin up, closing my mouth. Scar's expression shifts into amusement as well as concern.

"I'll talk to her later," I say, turning back to my sandwich as I finish chewing the bite still on my tongue.

"What do you mean? Talk to her? Are you nuts?" Vinh glances back at Scar and then turns back to stare at me in disbelief.

"Yeah, I am nuts. This conversation is overdue and I think she and I both need this," I say, sounding resolute.

"Do you know where you'll see her? I can come for moral support," he offers, glancing back to see Scar nodding along.

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