Chapter 25: Sunshine & Meadows

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We sit silently in his car as Damon drives us to our next destination. He knew I was uncomfortable eating when Silas and Pam in the room, so he suggested we leave before ordering food.

I have no idea what he has planned next, but I really hope it involves food. I haven't eaten since lunch and all I can think about right now besides Silas is scarfing down an entire large meat lover's pizza.

I peep over to see a relaxed expression on his face. His bright green eyes scan the road as we make our way through the traffic. His lips are slightly parted and I study their shape and color. He's so good looking, I can't turn away.

"What is it?" he asks me without turning away from the road.

"Huh?" I ask, deer in the headlights.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Why are you so handsome?" I don't hold back my honesty. After all, it could distract me from a harsher truth I don't want to face right now.

We stop at a red light and he finally looks over to me with amused eyes. "You think I'm handsome?"

"Oh, don't play innocent! You know exactly how good looking you are," I roll my eyes.

"Is it the button down? I don't usually dress like this..." He glances down at his clothes, which make him look more mature. I like it.

"I remember a while back when we were studying after school, I kept wondering if you were human and I-"

He laughs out loud, cutting me off, and yells, "Thank you!"

I laugh along with him, sucked into the contagion of his joy.

We turn into the parking lot of a church and I raise an eyebrow at him. Unable to see my questioning look, he remains quiet as we approach a fenced event. Parking by the entrance in a spot that we luckily found as someone else left, he turns to me and informs me, "So this church has these festivals annually and this year they added a petting zoo."

He watches as my face lights up and laughs at my wide, excited eyes.

"Well, what are we waiting for? LET'S GO!" I jump out of the vehicle and giggle in jubilance.

He wraps his arm around my shoulder and I look into his eyes with elation in mine before I lean my head onto his shoulder. We walk blissfully into the busy event and head for the largest tent with different animals behind it.

Under the large white tent, there were two alpacas, several pigs, at least five goats, and even a few sheep. I immediately approach one of the alpacas, which just looked bored as it chewed on something with its mouth closed. I reach my hand over and pet the back of its head, holding back a joyful squeal.

I feel Damon right behind me, his heated chest warming my back. He reaches his arm over to pet the alpaca as well and I turn up to look at him just as he turns down to look at me. We share a smile and everything feels perfect.

A pig comes up to my feet and I bend down to pet it.

"You can pick him up if you'd like. His name is Squishy," tells the overseer.

"Oh my god, Damon, his name is SQUISHY," I pick up the tiny pig and hold him near my face. Damon laughs as he pulls out his phone and snaps a photo. "Wait! Take another one," I command as I pose with Squishy, kissing him on the cheek.

After quite a bit of petting, I come back to Damon and tug on his sleeve, "I'm hungry, want to get food?"

"Oh, thank you for finally asking. I thought I was the only one," he groans as he rubs his belly. I smile at his response and pat his belly before we both head out to another tent.

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