Chapter 23: Something Else

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"So what now?" Vinh asks me as he bites into his apple. I had spent all weekend alone and while it concerned my mom, I still managed to convince her that I was just tired from the events of last week.

"What do you mean what now?" I slowly slide my books into my locker.

"So you're single now," Scar asks for confirmation. I see a struggle on her expression as I nod. She must be trying her best not to pity me.

"I know it's a bad time, but I'm gonna say it," Vinh says before Scar slaps his arm and glares at him, "Ow! What? I can't say I told you so? He was messy. Now you can be with Damon."

"Why do I have to be with anyone?" I close my locker to turn to the both of them. They both look healthy now, much different from before we dealt with Jeff. A small smile reaches my lips as I realize that I contributed to that.

"Because you clearly have some feelings for Damon, but you won't admit it. Especially back when Silas was in the picture. You need to get a guy who will treat you right and that is, no doubt, Damon."

I have to stop myself from flinching when I hear Silas's name, but that did nothing compared to seeing him walk by us in the hallway with Pam on his arm. He didn't look attached to her, but rather, she looks like she's leeching onto him.

I meet his eyes and we both have a sense of desperation for each other that I hope no one else can see. Then, remembering what he had done, my lids lower and my eyes grow cold. His eyes lower and I fight the urge to throw my arms around him.

"Hey, Tammy," I hear a guy's voice to my side. I turn to see Kent waving with a smile. His locker is a few down from mine.

"Hi, Kent, how's it going?" I see Silas turn around at the sound of my voice saying Kent's name and I realize what I had just done. I think I just made it clear that he's no longer my Clark Kent, that he never will be again.

"Oh, you know, just neck deep in all this homework BS," he chuckles as he walks off. "I'll see you 'round."

I nod at him and turn back to Vinh, who carries a look of amusement on his face. "What?"

"What was that you had with Silas?" He gasps, "You can't show him that you're weak, Tam. He'll find a way back in and then you'll get hurt again."

I turn to Scar, who nods in agreement.

"What do you think I should do," I ask Scar. I don't have many conversations with her about this topic, but seeing how happy she is with Vinh makes me crave for a better life than the one I'm stuck in.

"I think you should heal. You should take some time for yourself, and then when you're ready to let someone in, you should give Damon a chance, because he's done nothing but stand by you through everything." Her wisdom is clear through her articulate response. She's thought this through and she knows what's best for me.

I give her a slight nod and a smile stretches across her face. She pulls me in for a hug and whispers, "You're going to be alright, Tammy. We've got you." Vinh joins in for a group hug.

"Hey, hot coffee for the lady!" Damon walks up to us and hands me a cup. I can't help but become very aware that Silas is still just down the hallway, glancing at us every few seconds. "Three sugars and five creamers in a dark roast."

"How do you know how I like my coffee?" I raise an eyebrow at him as he nonchalantly sips on his own cup. I turn to Vinh with my eyes narrowed and he smiles sheepishly at me and Scar.

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