Chapter 8: Bunny Tail

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"I would love to! Come on, girls. We gotta go shopping! Gotta look cute for the dance," Natasha hyperventilates. She blows me a kiss before turning on her heel to walk off. I hold back the urge to hurl. Her girls follow her, but Kimberly falls behind a bit.

I lean on the wall next to the bathroom door and wait for Tammy, but after a while, I start to wonder if she's alright in there. It's completely silent.

"Lane? Is everything okay?" I yell into the door after checking to see if anyone would see me do so.

I step in, and dear god, this is the cleanest school bathroom I have ever seen. It looks like how the boy's restroom looked when they were first renovated.

When inside, I find her sitting against the far wall with her head on her knees. Her arms wrap around her legs. Her dark brown hair curtains down on her side, and the only movement I can see is the shaking of her shoulders. She's sobbing.

I walk over, sitting down beside her with my shoulder pressed against the cold blank wall. I lay my binder on the floor in front of the both of us, hoping to myself that I won't forget it in the girl's bathroom. I watch her continue to cry, and hold back any words that I want to say to her. I may not have known her for a long time, but from the few times she's mentioned about her mom, I knew she had something I could never understand. There's an unspoken closeness between them that I fail to relate to, but nevertheless recognize as a thing to cherish.

I couldn't understand at first why she would let Natasha pour cold ice water over her head, or let Karen shove her into unconsciousness, but I see it now. She has an overworked mom who she cared for more than anything. She'd rather take the pain than let her mother worry. She grew up without a father to hide behind, so she took these attacks head on, because that's what she's gotten used to.

I've never had to face a bully because Dylan had always protected me. I've never been harshly judged because Dylan spoke up for me. I've never had a tough time in school, because Dylan gave me a free pass through it all. Because of Dylan, I was always safe and sound. Because of him, I never had a chance to test my boundaries, my limits, my patience, and my character. So am I even a person to begin with?

I watch as a lock of her hair falls onto the side of her face, covering both her cheek and her arm. I reach up to tuck it behind her ear. She finally lifts her head to look at me, and it takes my breath away. She even cries prettily.

Am I enough of a person for her?

"I'm sorry you had to go through that. I heard everything from outside," I try to soothe her, almost whispering. With my hand, I hold her head in place, wiping away a tear with my thumb. She holds my gaze and I realize her eyes express a hint of irritation.

"Why?" Her voice cracks. My precious Lane.

"Because I'm a nosy loser?" I tease, but she drops her shoulders, rolling her eyes. I like making her roll her eyes. She might not admit it, but she likes the lamest jokes.

"No. Why did you ask her to the dance?"

Oh, she's mad about that.

Wait, is she jealous? One can only hope...

I look into her eyes, because right here, in this moment, I really need her to believe me. "Trust me, okay? I have a plan."

Her face crinkles into a puzzled expression. I shake my head and continue, "Someone has to either teach her a lesson or get rid of her. Damon tried to teach her a lesson by kicking her out of student government, but she obviously didn't learn."

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