Chapter 13: Rubber Duckies

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"I was just talking to her about maybe tutoring me in Physics. My parents are on my case about my failing in that class. All Mr. Gregory does in that class is fall asleep or mumble at the board. I'm getting nothing," Silas shrugs. I narrow my eyes at him.

What a good liar.

"So you heard about her awesome tutoring skills, too?" Damon chuckles as he wraps his arm around my shoulder. Silas clenches his jaw, but there's still a smile on his face. I squirm, and Damon catches a look of uneasiness in my eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I lie, and apparently not well enough, because he pushes further.

"No, tell me. What's wrong?" Damon turns to look at Silas, suspicious.

"There was something that happened," Silas begins, and I could feel my legs go numb and my heart pumping at inhuman speed, "It happened at homecoming, with Vinh's ex-girlfriend, Scarlett."

I look up to him with wide eyes, like a kitten would after being pulled out of high waters.

He glances at me, "I think we should tell him." I nod, knowing it was my turn to speak the truth to cover up a lie.

"At homecoming, Silas and I saved Scarlett from getting raped by Jeff," I sound shaky, but on this subject, it was admissible.

"Jeff Bradley?" Damon asks in disbelief. I nod slightly.

"She confessed to us that this has been an ongoing situation. He grew obsessed with her and even has a schedule for him to... do what he does to her. He threatened to hurt Vinh and her family if she spoke up. Everyone knows he's big and tall and knows big and tough people."

Speaking now, I feel myself growing angry, but it could be the irritating heat that attacks my senses. I feel a drop of sweat make its way down to the crease between my breasts. I look up to see both Damon and Silas staring at it.

Ugh. Brainless men.

"I can't believe Jeff is that kind of guy," Damon says, thinking.

"A lot of guys are that kind of guy." I could hear the coldness in my own tone and as I turn to see Silas, he carries a worried expression. He knows. Every detail from my tragic past has been revealed to him. He was the one person who knew the one thing I couldn't tell a single person.

But I'm not with him, and the fact that I shared it with him before sharing it with the person I ultimately chose, seems ridiculous. Why do things have to be this difficult? Why can't we just kiss and live forever happy?

Those kisses we only shared moments ago still burned my lips as I recall every touch, every thought, every confession. I bite my lower lip, staring at the floor.

When I finally look up, Damon was still thinking about something, and Silas was looking at me like he did before. He's looking at me like when he was about to kiss me. His eyes are hungry and his lips tremble, possibly from the memory of touching mine.

"Can I help?" Both Silas and I break from our shared trance to turn and look at Damon. "I know a lot of cops. It might help."

Together, Silas and I explain our plan to him, then work to fit in how Damon can help. By the end of it, the uneasiness in Silas's eyes dissolve, probably from seeing what a great guy Damon is.

"I should get going," Silas grabs his phone and keys off the coffee table. "I'll see you guys tomorrow."

I want to see him sooner.

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