Chapter 19: Baseball Bat

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*Trigger Warning*: This chapter has mentions of rape, abuse, and sexual assault.


I try to contain the shock that stiffens all of my muscles as I watch the men grab my Lane in broad daylight. I have to move fast, and I have to be clever to not let them know that I'm following them.

As I shift my gear to drive, my fingers shake as I reach for the buttons near the volume nozzle. Within seconds, I'm calling Damon.

"Hello," he greets, out of breath. He's probably still at practice.

"Hey, I need you to to call your cop friends. Lane's in trouble." I can't even tell if I'm really speaking. My ears are succumbing to the tension and I can feel the stress of the situation tightening my throat. I want to choke.

"What? What happened? Where is she?" His voice sounds half angry, half worried.

"I just saw her get grabbed and thrown into a black van. I'm following it, so I'll text you the address where they stop once I get to it," I'm starting to sound calm over his uneven breathing on the phone.

"Why weren't you with her?" he yells into the phone, but I just lower the volume in my car. I hear loud sounds of doors closing and silent tapping. "Okay I texted my cop buddies and I'm in my car. Which direction are they headed?"

"They're on Wilson Drive, heading toward the intersection with Gillian Avenue, coming from Melvin Boulevard." I try to picture us on a map and silently pray they don't take her too far.

"What if they see you? They might hurt her!" I hear his engine start as he yells.

"I'm two cars behind and I'm laying low. It's fine. Wait, they're turning into a small street. Bumble Drive."

"Be careful. They might see you snooping. Keep a safe distance. I'm going to call my guys."

"I'm parked like five houses down." I feel the tension wanting to burst in my left eyebrow, and without thinking, I say, "I'm going to try to sneak in."

"WHAT? Don't do that! They'll hurt her!" He's probably right, but I have a good reason.

"What if they're already hurting her? If I come in, it might delay them on that so your boys can get here." I know my reason is good enough with the silence that he gives me. "Good. Okay, I'm going in." I hang up the call and switch my phone on private with no vibration. Criminals prefer silence.



The van looks smaller than it did from the outside. There is still a gloved hand over my mouth and the anger that overcomes me advises me badly.

"Ow!" The rather large man behind me shakes his hand off from the pain as he yells in agony, muffled by the pathetic ski mask on his head. It looks like they bought a bunch of overstretched beanies from the swap meet and cut ugly holes on them. "This bitch bit me!"

He slaps me straight across the face and I whimper from the sting that follows on my cheek.

"Shut up and hold her down!" I recognize the driver's voice. Where had I heard that voice before. It was familiar, but unpleasant...


Jeff is the driver.

The drive was faster than I thought, or maybe I had just been praying for it to be longer, so that they couldn't get to wherever their destination was. I just wanted it to be in the van, so they wouldn't do more to me than a slap across my face.

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