Chapter 6: Bundt Cakes

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Hey guys! So I had a busy day today, but I managed to rush this one!

Team Damon? Team Silas?



"I'm just doing a thing," I answer nonchalantly into the phone while getting a funny stare from Vinh. I hold the phone away and mouth "what?" to him. He shakes his head while holding a grin.

"I can hear your tv in the background noise. So you're not busy?"

"I'm hanging out with Vinh. We're kinda stuck at home and-"

"Can I join you guys?" His tone sounds sad and I could sense that he needed this.


"Be right there!" He hangs up and for a moment, I just hold my phone and stare at it, confused.

"So..." Vinh starts, giving me a seductive smile and sloppily licking his lips.


"What?" I snap at him. I do not need this right now.

"He sounds eager to see you."

I shake my head, "He just needs a friend."

"He's got plenty already," he scoffs.

"Maybe he needs a different type of friend."

"You mean the female kind? The one he gets to kiss and stuff?"

The "and stuff" thought sends shivers down my spine. Why does he have to go there? What does "and stuff" entail?

"No," I object, "It's not like that."

"Oh yeah? Then why'd he bring you this?" He taps the bobblehead sitting at the center of the coffee table, which then starts bobbing in a frenzy. When I told him this morning about the events of last night, he went nuts with the questions and the hinting.

"It's just a joke we have..." I tap my bottom lip, pondering.

"Uh huh. Sure," he says, unconvinced, and then bursts, "Come on Tamtam! He talked to you at the party, he carried you to the office the next day and took you home, and now he's been in your bedroom in the dead of night. There's something there."

"Well I don't want to think of that, okay?"

We had spent the entire morning catching me up on homework. My mom had brought home a few bags of shirt collars that she would soon have to sew onto shirts at work. This was a common occurrence on weekends, since she did a lot of the heavy sewing, I would do some of the easier stuff, like flipping these collars out to have them ready for attachment. It was mindless work that would earn me some allowance I never spend. So far, I've saved up a few hundred dollars, only because I never feel the need to buy new clothes or go out.

"So he's coming over?" Vinh looks at me as his hands continue to flip a collar and drive a single chopstick in it to force a sharper corner.

"Yeah, I guess," I shrug, changing the subject, "So how about you tell me about Jeremy? What's he like?"

He blushes and responds shyly, "I don't know. He's really cute and he likes the same music as me..."

"So basically, he's eye candy and perfect for you," I translate, pinching his cheek.

"I told him to brace himself when I bring him into officially meet you. He's actually really nervous about it. He's so cute." Vinh bites back a smile. It's so good to see him this happy.

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